
295 11 6

Slight TW (Slap)

Geto woke up, still sitting in the library from the night before. Completely sleepy he smiled to himself, remembering the things that happened after the Mahito incident which he pushed down, not wanting to remember it. Gojo sure knows how to cheer people up. Geto stands up, yawning and stretching, wincing as he felt the uncomfortable pain in his back due to the weird position he slept in. He rubbed his eyes, now being aware of his surroundings. Geto was surprised at the sight of the other students chuckling and looking at him. First he didnt realize, but looking down on him, he saw that he still was waering the onsie even Gojo laughed about.

In another corner of the library were Megumi und Yuji, Megumi smiling while Yuji was laughing loudly at the sight of his fellow student. Yuji even wanted to take a picture but Megumi stopped him. He always needs to stop Yuji from doing dumb stuff like this, he knew Geto didnt want to be emberassed like this. If that ever happened to Megumi himself, he would be comepletly shocked and probably wouldnt recover from this. His friends would tease him about it for the rest of his life. Thats why he chose to stop Yuji, he knew how hard it could become.

In another corner some girls where squealing over how cute Geto looked, but Geto couldnt care less. He never held romantic feelings towards a female. It wasnt like they werent attractive in his eyes, but he just couldnt develope strong feelings towards them.

Geto grabbed his stuff in a hurry, knowing exactly that he missed some of his lessons. He ran to his dorm in an attempt of hurrying to his next lessons but as soon as he entered the dorm he was met with an angry looking Mahito.

"Where the FUCK where you?"

Geto sighed a deep breath, trying to keep his calm.

"I fell asleep in the library, please darling, dont get mad."

Geto felt disgusted saying these words, but he knew that they would calm the other one down, even if Mahito got a bit too excited hearing these words out of Geto's mouth. Mahito's angry expression faded quickly, a big smile creeping upon his lips. He jumped at Geto with open arms, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let Geto go. The raven haired dragged Mahito with him to the kitchen, to look at the clock hanging on one of the walls. He sighed again, realizing he missed all of his lessons. Geto didnt mind though, missing out one day wont hurt, but he was kinda sad when he realized that he could have talked to Gojo. Geto couldnt point it out but there was something about the white haired man he really liked. Geto may have even thought of him as charming.


He stoped his trail of thoughts and looked at the, finally, standing Mahito in front of him.

"Youre not even giving me the slightest bit of attention."

"Forgive me Mahito but i have something to do-"

A slap landed across Getos face. His eyes widened, he was scared, genuinly scared. He knew what Mahito could do and he certainly did not want this to escelate any further. Geto couldnt keep up with Mahitos shit and took an outfit, his notebook, his gym bag with him and left without another word, ignoring Mahito screaming for him to get the fuck back.

Geto wasnt realizing it himself but he was looking for Gojo's dorm. At the hallways he passed some students, they were gasping at the sight of Geto's face, the red mark of a hand being clearl visible. Some of the students tried to talk to him, asking about what happened, but he just asked them if they knew where Gojo's dorm was as a counterquestion. It took him a good amount of time to finally find someone who knew where it was.

"Go down to the end of this hallway and then take a left turn. His dorm is on the right side, the eighth i think it was. But Geto."

"You still have to tell me what women you like."

Geto just thanked him and ignored the rest. Todo on the other side was pissed at how cool Geto was. He was sure that Geto had an immaculate taste in women.

All the dorm rooms had a little number sign and Geto soon found the one Todo told him he would find Gojo at. He breathed in deeply, becoming aware of what he was doing.

I fucked up. Mahito will never let this slide.

All the more reason to knock on Gojo's door. Just as he wanted to raise his hand to knock, he heard a soft voice singing from the other side. He knew it was Gojo by the sound of his voice, adding that what he sang was german. Geto sighed and let himself slide down the wall, sitting on the floor and enjoying the white haired man's singing with closed eyes.

After a while he stood up again, deciding to really knock this time, so he did. The door opened, but it wasnt Gojo opening it, it was a slightly younger male looking up to him.

"A sec. I'll get Gojo for you."

With that, the younger one went back inside and not long after, Gojo appeared at the doorstep. Even though the mark on Getos face wasnt clearly visible anymore, Gojo noticed it and looked at the raven haired with concern.

"I won't ask about what happened if you don't want to tell me. Come in. This is my cousin Yuta."

Gojo made a hand gesture in Yuta's direction and smiled slightly at Geto. Gojos dorm was neutral decorated, even though it was a bit messy, Geto didnt mind, but thought of it as comfortable. He noticed the guitar in his room and remembered the intruductions at the music course. Gojo said he is in a band and sings. Then he finally got it. He did mention he plays guitar, so it was no big surprise that Gojo was in possession of one, but it still kind of surprised him for no reason at all.

"How about I sing something for the two of you, yeah?"


I have to yet read this over because i just wanted to get this over with. Sometimes i have so many ideas that i just dont know what to write but i think from here on the process will get smoother. Hope yall had an amazing day; Love yall <3

I did now look over it and corrected some things here and there hope it's more enjoyable 

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