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(Mention of Self harm⚠️❗️)

3rd Person POV

Geto leaned forward with a small smile on his lips, his hands were freezing but he ignored it completely, watching the almost setting sun in front of him, careful to stay on the street. The beach wasn't far from the university, only a few miles, easy to reach with a motorcycle like Geto. After the little incident with Gojo, he just wanted to take a break from everything.

He knew it wasn't right to run away from it but he couldn't help it, he was overwhelmed from the past happenings and wanted to get a break so he took the chance to get one.

As he got to the beach he jumped off his motorbike and walked down to the shore, sitting down in the sand to watch the beautiful sunset with his mind lost in his thoughts. He stayed there for a long time, not taking his eyes off once from the sunset. He closed his eyes as time passed and the waves were crashing against the sand, almost reaching his feet.

"Fancy meeting you here, you okay?"

Geto looked up, snapping out of his trail of thoughts, and was met with a tired looking Yuuta. He sighed and nodded before looking back at the sunset. Patting the sand next to him, he told the younger one to sit down, and give him some company. Yuuta sensed that something was wrong but he didn't want to push him so he just sat down next to Geto, not saying anything.
They sat for a good while in silence before Geto sighed and broke it.
"What brought you here? Argument with Rika?"
Geto asked, his voice serious, not a hint of mocking in it. Yuuta looked at him and smiled weakly*
"Actually Gojo, he's....been acting a bit off and it's worrying me"
Geto's attention was now fully on Yuuta and he looked at him with interest.
"Off? In what way?"
"He has been sitting in his room all day, playing guitar but not actually playing...it was as if his mind was in another dimension and it was just an empty shell of him sitting there, holding the guitar"
Geto thought it was weird, off, just as Yuuta said, it was nothing like Gojo actually was. Was he mad that Getou left? He couldn't understand and was too lost in thought again.
"It's the same with you Geto, you both are off today. Did you have a fight?"
Geto's attention drew back to Yuuta once more and he shrugged.
"I'm not sure"
He sighed and got up, trying to get rid of the sand on his clothes.
"Are you going to talk to him?"
The younger one asked and watched Geto walk to his motorcycle. Geto nodded and hopped on it, putting on his helmet even though it wouldn't help much if he actually got into an accident. He doesn't wear protection besides from the helmet but he honestly couldn't care less, it only adds up to the adrenaline rush anyway.
The whole way back Geto dreaded the talk he'd have to have with Gojo when they ran into each other, yet he wanted to apologize for running off. It was a weird feeling and he didn't like it at all.

He mumbled as someone from a grade below held open the door for him and went through. Gojo and his dorm weren't too far away, just upstairs and to the right he thought to himself, trying to keep his thoughts together and not go insane with anxiety. The halls were silent, almost no one was wandering around anymore. Had he really sat that long at the beach? He actually couldn't tell. after being so lost in mind his mind wouldn't listen properly.
Before he could open the door to their dorm it got opened by Gojo and almost bumped into Geto.

Gojo breathed out, relaxed that Geto was back and okay. He looked at him with his sunglasses on, hiding his loving gaze under them, adding a smile.

Geto breathed in, his name feeling like a fresh breath that he really needed, comforting. It was as if he wasn't able to breathe freely before, but now, he could take in a deep breath again.

They both looked at each other for a brief moment before Gojo stepped back and opened the door wider, letting Geto in.
Suguru gave him a smile and went inside, letting himself sink into the sofa he sighed.

"I'm sorry Satoru I shouldn't have left"

Geto let his hand rest on his face and thought of what to say.

"I...I can't tell you Satoru. Maybe one day but not today"

Satoru sat beside him and supported his head with his hands, his elbows resting on his legs.

"No need to explain yourself I shouldn't have pushed you"

They both sat in a not so comfortable silence, yet no one knew what to say. They sat in silence for what felt like hours until Geto wanted to say something but before he actually could, Gojo went to say something.

"Schöne scheisse"

Gojo laughed and put off his sunglasses, leaning back on the couch and massaging his temples. Geto was dumbfounded and tilted his head.

"German gibberish I suppose?"

Gojo laughed again and nodded before he eventually got up.

"I'll be going off to sleep now good night"

Geto wanted to stop him, talk this out, actually tell him of what Mahito did, why he couldn't tell the principal about this, but, he kept quiet.


"Fuck" he thought and slapped a hand on his face. "I should have just told him" Geto sighed and laid down, not bothering to go to his own bed.
Both of them laid there, deep in thought, not really able to sleep at all and when they eventually do, Geto didn't sleep for long, jumping as he awoke from a nightmare.
Sweat was glistening on his forehead as he was gasping for air, clutching his chest to try and calm his hammering heart. With shaking hands, he stood up and went to the kitchen to get some water.
He tried to close his eyes again but as soon as he did there was that utterly disgusting picture of Mahito and he sat up from his sitting position on the counter, pondering on what to do. Should he listen to music? Cut himself to try and forget this? Or....go over to Gojo?

"Fuck it"

He mumbled and stood up, grabbing the doorknob to Gojo's room, not opening the door. "should I?"
he asked himself over and over again and eventually let go of the doorknob again, grabbing his phone and earphones.
Blasting some Japanese rock in them, he laid down, his eyes staying open for as long as he could, yet he fell asleep after a good while, the loud music blending out the memories of the dream.

I hate it. nothing else to say. At least it's done after so long💀

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