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"You wanted to talk?"
Gojo was packing his things up after dressing in the changing room of the studio. Geto was sitting on one of the benches, trying to keep his cool and slow his way too fast beating heart.
"I just wanted to apologize for what I've done. I know I should have told you I wasn't able  to come and-"
Gojo turned to the raven-haired and put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's fine Geto. I was just worried something might have happened to-."
Geto's head sank and a knot was forming in his throat, making it hard for him to say anything, but he did, even if it wasn't very audible, Gojo could hear it.
„Nothing is fine Gojo."
He knew he was making things even worse but he felt like had to say this.
„My life is messed up and I don't want you to be dragged into this. I think we should end it here before it gets even more complicated. I'm sorry I-„
Geto's voice broke and tears started forming in his eyes, at the thought of the things that had happened recently. Gojo sighed, putting his sunglasses on.
„Hear me out Suguru. If you don't want to tell me what's going on, then that's fine, but do not tell me that I should be let out of this, because I already know that you're messed up. Besides, it would be tragically selfish of you to end our friendship that barely even started. And maybe, just maybe, we can go through this together if you'd let me."
Gojo knew that whatever was going on in the other one's life was horrible and that he might regret his decision later on, but he knew that this was the right thing to do. Geto though wasn't all too sure if he wanted this. He appreciated the white haired's words and wanted him to stay but he also didn't want him to get involved in this because Gojo might get hurt in the meantime and Geto definitely didn't want that to happen.
„Suguru look at me."
Geto looked at him, Gojo now being on his height, due to him bending down to get a better look at Geto. Both of them felt their hearts skip a beat but acted as if nothing happened, even though Geto blushed slightly. Gojo didnt notice due to the sunglasses he was wearing.

"Whatever it is that's going on right now, you can go through this, even if you need a little help."
Geto sighed deeply, already wondering what put him in this situation, even though he knew that it was he, himself.
He laughed his sadness, or rather madness away.
„ Okay then let's renew our promise. How does that sound?"
„ Tell me what youre thinking about Su~"

Geto again was startled. He wasnt sure if he missheard it or Gojo really just called him Su. Even if he missheard it, the bare imagination of this was making him blush even more. He put his hands over his Face and couldnt stop smiling for some reason.  Satoru on the other hand didnt understand a thing anymore. Wasnt the raven haired on the verge of having a mental breakdown? Gojo couldnt help but to let out a small laugh, making Geto even more emberassed. 

"I dont understand a thing about you Suguru" Gojo sighed through  a small smile. Geto took his hands down again, noticing that Gojo also had put down his sunglasses, but what he didnt realize was that the white hared could see the still very visible blush on his face. Gojo began to put the pieces together, he didnt understand fully but he guessed that it was the nickname he gave Suguru. 

"Ohh~ That's what's going on, I see." Gojo walked closer to Suguru and playfully placed a hand under Geto's chin and leaned in really closely. All he did was smile at Geto and his reaction, he then leaned to Geto's right side to whisper something into his ear.

"Suuuu~ You're not falling for someone here are you?"

Geto didn't dare to breathe and couldn't relax his tensed up body. There were quite a few factors for the state he's in right now. He couldn't decide on how to feel. Should he be emberassed? Should he feel good? The situation is like a bad written romance novel, in which the main characters go on and fall for eachother. Why did he feel so dirty again? He wanted Satoru to stay, but on the other side, he wanted to push him to the ground, get away from him. Geto knew that Gojo wasn't a threat to him but he felt like he still couldnt let down his guard fully but still decided to get his shit together and play along. 

Geto grabbed the other one's neck a little forcefully, smirking as he does so. He pushed Gojo against a wall and trapped him between his arms, pushing one of his legs between the other one's to make sure Gojo couldn't run. 

"Don't get confused now, Gojo. You were the one seeing things. "

Gojo laughed 

"What are you saying Su~ You were smilling all over and blsuhing like hell~ I don't think you can interpret this as something else."

Geto didn't have an answer to this, all he could do was to let Gojo go and sigh. 

Damn and I thought I had him.

"Hey, Hey! Where do you think you're going? 

"Back to our dorm you dumbass"

"Without giving me a kiss goodbye?"

Geto wasn't having any of Gojos shit and continued to walk to the exit door of the changing room. Gojo went up to him again , took Geto's hand in his own and kissed it lightly. Gojo's brain thought of it as a joke, but his heart was skipping several beats while doing so. 

"Come to me whenever something's wrong Su, I mean it."

"Thank you Satoru, for everything. I'll see you at home, don't stay for too long."

With that he rushed out of the room, scared of Gojo's reaction if he saw Geto's blushing face again. But it was too late, Geto could still hear the laughing from the changing room and in that moment his heart knew, that he was falling for Satoru Gojo.

Gojo on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about the way Geto said his name, the feeling that it shaked within him. But the stubborn ass he was, ignored it and carried on with his training, now with less aggressiveness. 


Sorry for not writing in a bit i just couldn't get myself to write anymore. PLease forgive me. T-T

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