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3rd Person Pov
(maybe a bit exaggerated)

Geto, Gojo and Yuta were laying all over the room, some legs and arms tangled from the pillow fight they had, before falling asleep. Gojo tried his best to cheer Geto up, or at least try to get his mind off of the things that happened. He didn't knew what happened but he guessed it was something regarding his roommate.
Geto was the first one to wake up, carefully standing up in order to not wake the others. He decided to take a quick look at his phone that he turned on silent mode after the Mahito incident. He saw endless missed calls from said man, hundreds of text messages and also two pictures. His heart sank, knowing he needed to block, or at least ignore him, but on the other side, he knew damn well that if he did that, Mahito would pull something even worse. He sighed, unlocked his phone and looked at the messages from top to bottom.

"You are so dead Geto."
"If you come back I'll forget everything, I promise."
"Babe please forgive me I promise I will change"
"Honey you know i cant live without you"

Geto already knew deep down what the pictures were. He wanted so bad that it wouldn't be true but there they were.

Mahitos arms, all cut up and blood being everywhere.

Geto stared in shock, or rather disbelief. Without noticing it, he held his breath and stopped blinking, tears welling up in his eyes.
He quickly closed his phone and put it back in his pant's pocket, breathing in deeply and wiping his tears away. His hands were shaky and his breathing wasn't at its normal pace. In order to calm down he went to Gojo's kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with some water to drink.
He prayed to god(s) that that all of this was just a dream and that he will wake up soon. But to his dismay, Gojo walked in, making his almost worst fear come true. Geto looked at him like a deer about to be hit by a speeding car.

"Geto are you alright? You look miserable. Had a bad dream?"

Geto physically couldn't answer, it was as if someone cut his vocal cords in half. He nodded in silence. Gojo went over to him, taking Getos hands in his, feeling how cold and shaky the other one's hands are. They didn't talk, there was no need to. Gojo took him by the hand, leading him to his room, picking up his guitar in the meantime.
Gojos room was small, just like everyone else's, but it still had the comfortable feeling because the bed looked so big in this tiny room.
"Lay down and close your eyes, breath in deeply and exhale slowly. Listen to me alright?"
Geto blinked at him with heavy eyes, still feeling like crying, but he did as Gojo said.
"Very well. Relax and forget everything around you. I will play something on my guitar now, dont worry i will stay here for as long as you need me to."

"I feel so ridiculous"

"Shush. Remember my promise? In order for me to achieve it you have to let me do my thing."

Geto smiled the tears away that were running down his cheeks.

From then on he did what Gojo said, breathing deeply in and out, forgetting the world around him and listening to Gojo playing soft tunes on his guitar.
Geto soon fell into a deep and dreamless sleep, Gojo stayed by his side the whole time, drifting off into a light sleep some time after the raven haired. Yuta on the complete other hand was still sleeping soundly on the couch without having a clue what was going on.

The three of them were woken up by the annoying sound of Gojo's alarm clock, signalling them that its time for uni. Yuta was the quickest one out of the dorm, really wanting to see his crush Rika again. Gojo teased him about it every single day and it amused him. Yuta didn't pay much attention to his thoughtless comments and teasings.
As soon as Yuta left, Gojo went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast for Geto and him.
They sat in silence at the small kitchen table, eating and mentally preparing themselves for the long day that awaited them.

"What are you planning to do now?"

A question Geto had hoped the white haired wouldn't asked. He shrugged his shoulders and stopped eating, his stomach turning upside down at the thought of his situation.

"My cousin Yuta was staying here for the night, we haven't hung out in a while so the other room isn't used by anyone. Stay here if you want, I'll try my best to not break my promise. Only if you're up for it, don't feel pressured."

Gojo didn't want to admit it, but he wanted him to stay, he wanted to have Geto around, protect him from whatever bothered him and wanted to hold him in his arms. He knew though that this would not be possible. Under these circumstances, they wouldn't be able to properly live a normal life. He didn't know what was going on in Geto's life, but he knew it was fucked up.

The white haired stood up, grabbed the plates and put them into the sink to wash them later. Geto didn't move an inch and Gojo's concern grew even more. He went to his room and changed into some proper clothes to attend his lessons. He went back to Geto and buttoned up his shirt all the way.

"How do I look?"

Geto turned his head, smiling at the sight of Gojo, all dressed up and ready to go. It almost felt like they knew each other for several years now.

"Gorgeous as always"

Getos undertone was a bit sarcastic and he said it while passing by Gojo to get dressed himself.

"Geto I didnt know you thought that way about me i feel so honored~"

"Shut up dumbass"

Gojo clutched his heart sarcastically, acting as if he just got stabbed.
As Geto came back dressed, Gojo's heart really felt as if it got stabbed, not in a bad way though.

Geto calmed down, even though it wasn't Gojo that calmed him, his mind was at ease, at least for a while.

"Shall we go?"

I wanted to write more but my back hurts and i'm a lil tired hope u still enjoyed.

Luv yall xoxo <3

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