{💜} Donnie x Mutant! Fem! Reader{💜}

431 8 4

Platonic or Romantic?: Romantic 

Reader's Pronouns: They/Them

''Donnie, i don't feel so good.''

Y/N has been sick for a week. Nobody knows where the sickness came from and how Y/N caught it but it did start with a painful bite from something. Donnie had been taking care of Y/N, making sure Y/N got fluids and much care for the Sickness.

''I know, you've said that many times Y/N. Here, drink some water.'' Donnie had opened a fresh water bottle, helping Y/N drink it. He closed the cap, and looked at Y/N's face. It looked a bit of Green and a mix of Pale. Y/N couldn't really move because of the pain the bite had caused.

Y/N had gagged a bit, prompting Donnie to grab the garbage can and pulled Y/N's hair back as Y/N threw up into the garbage can. When he looked back at Y/N's face, he noticed green splotches on Y/N's cheeks and body. He suddenly froze and realized.

''Y/N, don't move.'' Donnie had grabbed his Phone, calling his brothers and April. But the phone had hanged up. Y/N started feeling horrible pain in their chest. Y/N became Dizzy, as their fingers started becoming Green and conjoined together to form 3 fingers. Y/N bones had snapped, crackled and popped to look like Turtle arms like Donnie's.

''Donnie! what's going on? I feel horrible..'' Y/N moved the blanket, to reveal their legs. They were green and looked similar to Donnie's. Y/N was mutating into a Turtle. Y/N's head had formed into a Turtle head. Y/N's nose and ears had mutated into their skin.

''Y/N! Stay calm and do not panic!'' Donnie had grabbed Y/N's hand, squeezing it. Y/N was convulsing with the Green spots. Y/N's back was bursting with pain, so donnie had grabbed scissors and cut Y/N's shirt open. It revealed a Softshell turtle shell and a Plastron. The green splotches had taken over Y/N's body. Leaving Y/N tired, they had immediately passed out with a few shivers.

Donnie's jaw had opened and slowly moved his hand towards Y/N new features and felt their skin. It was smooth, and then had grabbed a pillow and some strong string. He had turned Y/N over to their back carefully and placed the pillow on Y/N's back carefully and tied it around the waist. He had turned them around back over and pulled the blanket over their body.

Donnie had checked to see if anything was wrong, and the breathing was fine. He had called his brothers and April and told them to come over to Y/N's apartment.

April had came over. ''Did something happen?'' April asked.

''Yes, I'm afraid so. So, you know that thing that had bit Y/N?'' Donnie had directed April to Y/N's room. April had nodded as Donnie opened the door to reveal Mutated Turtle Y/N.

''Holy Hans..so that thing bit her, mutated her....'' April had suddenly heard Raph's footsteps. Raph, Leo and mikey had ran into Y/N's room panicked.

''Who's that?'' Leo had asked.

''That is Y/N.''

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