Chapter 19: Godric's Hollow.

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(Kassandra P.O.V)

And that was how we spent our next early hours before the sun rose, running through the Wilderness away from the Prison Fort and to freedom. Harry, Hermione, and I still had magic blocking chains on us. But we did our best to move as quick as we could. It must've been a long strand of running and evading, before the search lights and the sounds of yelling and screaming died.  

Finally after what must've been like hours of running through the woods. We finally made it to an area of grassland. We didn't have an idea of where we were. But at least it was better than prison walls and inside cells. And then the sun started to rise. 

"I think... I think we're safe here." I said breathing in and down. The weight of the chains feeling heavier. 

Hermione lay on the ground exhausted too. 

"Are you girls okay?" Harry asked panting. 

"I'm okay." I answered also panting.

"Yeah... I just... need a minute." Hermione gasped. 

"Well... at least we got Hermione's Mary Poppins Bag." I said handing the bag to Hermione.

"Thanks, Kassie." Hermione thanked. And she looked through the bag to see what I had gotten. The Golden Snitch that Harry quickly caught before it could fly away. She also got the Invisibility Cloak, the Tales of Beedle the Bard. And also the Locket, and some of Bottles of Dittany, and also... our wands. And I think Hermione looked a little disappointed.

"Sorry. It was all I could get at short notice." I explained. 

"It's alright, Kassie. You did your best." Harry assured. "Our wands won't do us much good though if we can't get these chains off." 

"Right." I looked at my own chains. "I'd like to use magic again." I looked around me. "Well, they have to operate like regular chains. And I still had some lockpicks and slammed them down on the lock holes, unclipping them and then removing the chains on my wrists, then got the collar off of me, and finally my ankle chains. The moment I took them off and found the energy inside of me return as I rubbed my wrists together to the get the pain off.  

I then took out my wands and felt a fireball emerge from them. It felt great to use again. "Okay... you guys next." And I quickly got out my energy swords to slash at the chains of my friends.

Hermione chuckled a little. She also took her wand again. "Feels good to have this again." 

"No kidding." Harry agreed. 

And I was in the same boat. But that was when I suddenly heard a voice inside my head. "Kassie? Can you hear me?!" It sounded like Ethan.

"Ethan!?" I suddenly asked. And I felt so relieved to hear him. "Is it... is it you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay, sweetheart?" Ethan asked me. "We attacked the Prison Fort in Wales to try and liberate you, but-" 

"You attacked the Prison Fort?" I asked in disbelief. "Oh, Malaka! We just escaped from Prison! Well, I did, and I broke Harry and Hermione out too." 

"Yeah. I thought so. Angelina told us that you escaped. And from the look of your Jumpsuit, I'd say it was right as we started our attack." Ethan replied. 

Oh, he could see me in my Jumpsuit? I was so embarrassed. I never wanted my brothers to see me like this. "Ethan, I'm so-" I tried to say.

"No. You did nothing wrong, Kassie." Ethan interrupted immediately. "These things just happen in war."

"I should've stayed. If we had, then we'd be reunited." I started to say. If I had waited just a little longer, I could've been rescued by my brothers and we all could've hunted for the Horcruxes from the safety of Nottingham. But no, I chose to save them myself. It was just one of those... impulsive moments. 

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