Fighting, Regret, and A Returning Angel

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Consciousness returned to you slowly, like emerging from the depths of a pool. It was peaceful, almost blissful.
That is until you realized what you were surrounded by.

"Mother of Mercy!" You hissed, getting up.

The girls were all still asleep, thankfully, which gave you some time to recover your senses.
Groggy, and tired, you stretched, feeling your muscles stretch and joints pop. You yawned and scratched your belly and took a head count.

"Would-be-Rapist, Arm Cracker, Kidnappers, Ball Destroyer, and Smoke Lover." You counted, smiling due to the silliness of the nicknames, though each one made you wince for a different reason.

And of course, the biggest fucker of them all, would be Taker, in the middle of the sleeping pile.

Of course, he just makes pancakes and he gets all the girls. You thought bitterly. But then you reminded yourself that he wanted to be here, so it's only natural that he gets them, and besides, he made pancakes, people love pancakes.

You looked around once more, and your mind began to wander, you stared at a rock or some shit for a couple minutes before you realized what you were staring at. Aka, the great stare. But there was something peaceful about that. You took a deep breath in, before hacking up a lung because you were breathing in ash, smoke and sand, which isnt healthy mind you.

"God fucking damn it, I'm going to need to see a docter after this." You said, standing up.

A shrill shriek pierced the (morning?) air and your ears perked up. It was a trick, an illusion, meant to steer you away from the group and get you lost, you told yourself. But, because you are the worlds biggest dumbass, and because getting lost from the group didn't seem like a bad idea, you automatically began to make your way towards the screams.

Feeling the sand crunch beneath your sole, you hurriedly made your way to the source of the sounds. You crawled up onto a warm boulder to get a better view. A woman was being chased by a being who was seemingly both a stone and skeleton. The very sight of it, terrified you, tall as you, and with muscles the size of muscles of logs. You ducked back behind cover to assess a plan.

On the one hand, she could simply be a soul receiving a punishment, Pandemonica explained that happens, being in hell and what not. But if souls managed to escape their punishment, they would be swiftly brought back. No questions asked.
On the other hand, Taker seemed to handle his own out here, and she could be your ticket out of here, or she could be another addition to the harem. You saw this as an absolute win. You popped your knuckles and jumped down from the boulder. The sound of your feet hitting the ground alerted the skeleton creature to your pressence.

"Trespasser, you will be punished for intruding here." The creature rumbled.

"P-Please help me!" The woman whimpered.

"Hey, woah there cowboy, I'm just here to talk you out of hurting the lady." You said.

"Talking is irrelevant. You face punishment." The creature said, turning its attention to you and raising its fist.

"Hey, let's discuss this fir-OOF!"
You cried as the creature dug his fist into your stomach. You staggered back before raising your own hands.

"Hey, seeing as you're a stony like creature, shouldn't you be a little, Boulder?" You quipped.

"I didn't catch the humor." The creature replied in a gravelly voice.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're about to catch these hands!" You said before swinging at the jaw of the creature.
As your fist collided with the bone, you recoiled in pain, immediately feeling a sharp feeling of pain as the two knuckles in your hand were broken.

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