Meet The Heavy (Again)

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"Get clapped you fucking noob." Malina laughed, kicking your ass in yet another round of Mortal Kombat.

You growled, gripping the controller tightly.

Earlier in the evening, many of the girls wanted to have a girls' night out, which you suggested (heavily) taking Taker with them, which they agreed to do so. Malina had stayed behind because she didn't see the appeal of drinking in a club when she could very well accomplish the same thing at home.

You planned on playing some video games with her since the two of you hadn't spent much time together. Since she moved, she spent most of her time in her room.

After about 15 minutes, you knocked on the door to her room, two controllers in hand. You could faintly hear some bottles clinking and some shuffling footsteps. The door lock clicked, and the door opened.

Malina gazed up at you, her usual scowl adorning her face, but instead of the suit she wore in hell, she wore a tanktop with no bra and a pair of shorts. In her hand, a half empty bottle of whiskey. Given how physically close you were to each other in that moment, you became aware of how big the hallway was.

You took a step back and cleared your throat.

"Uh, hey, I was wondering if you wanted to play some games with me,  I got a couple of controllers if you're down." You asked.

She blinked a couple of times, as if she was trying to process your question.

"You...wanna play....with me?" She asked slowly.

You sheepishly scratched the back of your neck.

"I mean, we got a ton of games on the entertainment center. We could probably find something to play." You mumbled.

She blinked a few more times (speaking of which, when was the last time you blinked?) and then sighed.

"Fine, but only because I'm bored." She said.
She tossed the bottle into her room and shut the door. You could hear bottles breaking and glass shattering, making you wonder how many damn bottles she had in there and how long it would take you to vacuum the glass out.

She took a controller from you and headed downstairs, with you following suit.
You both sat down on the couch and moved the point board aside, a thing that was commonly used during 'Game Night' an event once a week where malina would face off against someone in a game, whoever won didn't have to do chores for a day.

Yeah, malina usually won.

The two of you milled on the home page for a bit, trying to decide on a game.

"What game should we play?" You asked.

She shrugged. "Anything, I don't care."

"Street Fighters?" You suggested.

"Meh, I played that last week." She said.

"Blaze blue?" You also suggested.

"And get an epilepsy? No dice." She scoffed.

"Fine, mortal kombat?" You asked, exasperated.


And then it was back to square one on picking which one you both wanted to play. But after a while, you decided on MK11.

"Now, I'll be real with you, I'm a good player." You said, bragging slightly.

Malina simply raised her eyebrows at you before taking a swig from another bottle of alcohol. You selected local play and got to the character selection screen.

Malina simply scrolled over to Scorpion, and you picked Johnny Cage.

"Aw, don't tell me you're a Scorpion main." You complained.

Hell's Force of Nature (Helltaker Harem X Scout Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now