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The world is a beautiful painting. Living makes it colorful but death is a ruin—a blank canvas with nothing—no hope, no emotions, no faith, nothing.

Those who forge a story whilst the holder of the pen, writers who always had a different view. They write death as if it was the simplest thing ever. A little cause, a little blood, a little sigh with a heavy cry and a heavy pain then you die.

The next thing you know you’re in a casket wearing all white not for the wedding but for a funeral where all your family and loved ones gather just to party but with sorrow.

Evelyn knows living is harder than dying. She has read it a hundred times and experienced it every time.

If only she’s not bedridden then her thoughts might be different. However it’s too late to change sides now.

Death is already awaiting her.

Looking outside her window, her twinkling copper eyes were full of acceptance.

This little girl was diagnosed with chronic heart disease ever since she was thirteen. It's been three years and the hospital has already become her home.

She’s once a growing rose full of charms but her petals were already falling out. A wilting flower with no life.

Maybe if it weren't for her bald head and the shadow beneath her eyes then living would be much better nonetheless her body still not giving up—not now but it’ll be—soon.

Speaking of giving up, Evelyn was sure if there’s someone who’s giving up it will be her parents. It wasn’t hard to notice that they have been visiting rarely for the past years. She would judge it almost like they stop entirely visiting and will only come if they want to announce an interesting news.

Most of the time they will deliver some books, some clothes and some necessities but it's just that.

Surely these aren’t the worst things she can narrate to her life. If she would enumerate the worst things, rarely seen parents would be in her third list, the second list was still waiting for her favorite book to update and the first…was watching people stay, leave and die and here she is still alive.

She has made a friend before. First month of confinement in the hospital, it was a girl in the same room. They share a lot of things and talk about interesting stuff. Her name was Ana. Oblivious to why she’s in a hospital, they continue to be friends and have fun.

For one week, only one week they became the best of friends.

Maybe they’re sickness is not interesting enough but they only talk about it just once. After that no more, nobody really thought of it seriously. However if she went back on time she would've.

They really should've.

In the next morning she woke up finding the bed next to her unattended as the nurse walked in trying to clean it up.

Later on she found out that the girl was actually transferred to another room, months later she received the news that friend was actually suffering from severe sepsis.

She tried to reach out to her, see her or even talk to her, however the only thing that she can do is write her some letters hoping she will receive it and give her some comfort. God knows that this is her first time feeling happy to have someone her age at this nightmare of a hospital.

She can still remember all the notes and the letters she had given her nevertheless no reply came back not until that day. She was happy, very happy. That was the first letter that Ana's response back. Simply agitated, she opens the letter without care in the world. How fortunate that the world also didn't care about her.

Some first really can also be your last. The letter she was holding happily at first was drowned by tears at last. It held the news that someone had died. Someone who is dear to her. Someone like a friend. A best friend. That someone is Ana.

Overwhelmed she also nearly died because of sudden pain, her heart can’t carry such a heavy burden.

What can a thirteen year old do? With a disease that can make her gone any minute. What can she actually do? Cry?

She doesn’t know what to do but it was the first time she felt helpless and she doesn’t want to experience it again. It was the worst.

A year has passed, she tries to be brave, tries to be strong because she knows death more than anyone. She knows what sadness it will bring. So she tries to stay alive for her family.

Nevertheless, family still wasn’t enough to make her feel alive.

Evelyn wants to enjoy things like a normal teenager. She wants to run, play, go outside and study like them. However Evelyn knows she can’t.

And the brutal truth is that she just can’t but will never be because after all these three years the door of the other side opens its way to welcome her with open arms. The giving up game has finally reached its ends.

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