Savior - Part 1

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[Savior –Part 1]

The young master of the Greaves-Crawford Household held back tears in his eyes, willing his five-year-old legs not to move as he stood at the side, watching as his parents discussed with the lady at the counter. His parents passed their documents for checking and shortly received welcoming nods and words of politeness as they were gestured to move.

There were little luggage brought along with them since this was supposed to be a short trip. Besides, there was little need to bring any luggage; their butler had everything they could ever need already arranged at their destination. Such was the efficiency of a Reyes butler.

A soft, warm hand gently took Kyren's hand in hers, and the young master looked up to the gentle smile that the woman gave back to him. A small relief chased away the oppressive sadness and irrational fear swirling in his head and heart. At least there was going to be one person that he was familiar with staying with him while his parents went on their emergency business trip.

His parents moved to the boarding gate, still discussing seriously about some business that Kyren had yet to understand. Kyren found himself guided to follow behind his parents, but he knew deep down that he wasn't going to be entering through the departure gates with them like how he had previously done many times before. He wasn't any happier when he saw another familiar man standing and waiting for them at the boarding gate.

"Miss Louise, Brandon, you two should spare a look at your young one's expression." The loyal butler of the Greaves-Crawford Household spoke with a smile and amusement twinkling in his eyes when the small group reached him at the departure gate.

At the reminder, Kyren's parents turned to him with surprise written across their faces –as if surprised that they had forgotten all about him during their serious discussion about business.

"Dear boy! Come to Papa!" Brandon Greaves exclaimed as he knelt down on one knee to be on his son's eye level, opening his arms out in an inviting hug. The hand that had been kindly and gently guiding Kyren along let go, allowing the young boy to go running, which Kyren did immediately at the signal given to him.

"Mama, don't go!" Kyren cried, unable to resist the tears anymore as he ran past his father's inviting embrace to wrap his small arms around the long skirt of his mother's. "Bring Kyren with you!"

"You know we cannot do that this time, Kyren." Louise Greaves-Crawford answered with a gentle but determined smile, squatting down and pulling her son away from her skirt and legs to make sure she could see his tear-stained face. The blue eyes that he had inherited from her shined brightly with still-unshed tears, but Louise had seen that puppy-dog look too many times to be affected this time. Kyren had the tendency to use that expression to trick people into getting what he wanted, and it seemed as if Louise was the only person in the entire Household who had learnt to resist those eyes.

"Kyren is fine! Kyren is strong and fit. Kyren promise he won't fall sick." The young boy declared, raising one arm and trying to show off his muscles in a show of how strong he was. "Bring Kyren, please?"

"We promise that we will come home immediately after the meeting. You be a good boy and listen to Aunt Kiera. If we hear from her that you haven't been obedient, we won't come back quickly." Louise answered, her gentle hands on her son still feeling a little heat that his body was giving off.

The Greaves-Crawford Household usually brought their young one along for business trips along with Kyren's butlers to have him get used to travelling for business, but this time was an exception because both Kylar and Kyvan had just entered the Imperial Academy meant for butlers, and Kyren had come down with a fever a few days before departure. The difficult decision to have Kyren stay behind with the Head Butler's wife had been made.

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