Punishment - Part 1

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[Punishment – Part 1]

10 Years Later...

Footsteps echoed in the corridor and stopped in front of the door. Custom-ordered dress shoes were polished and shone perfectly as the young butler tugged on the corner of his coat to make sure that there had been no crease made during his journey to the door. Once satisfied that his appearance was perfect, the young butler knocked on the door once to announce that he had arrived and was about to enter the room, then wrapped his gloved hand around the doorknob.

His master's room was as well-kept as he remembered it to be, but well-trained eyes of a butler continued to keep a look out for any stray item or articles of clothing that might have found its way out of place out of his master's carelessness. God forbid if he found any unwelcome guest in his master's bedroom or worst still, sharing the bed with his master.

The head full of silver-blond hair did not stir at the door opening

Kyvan Reyes closed the door behind as he stepped fully into the room, throwing the room back into the dimness of a room created by sunlight fighting –and mostly failing –to break into the room through the drawn curtains. He made those curtains his first priority, moving through the big room with quick, decisive steps. There was no hesitation as he threw open the curtains and allowed bright sunlight to flood into the room in an instant.

"It's time to wake up, Kyren." He announced with a perfect mixture of respect and friendliness. His father had explained to him and his brother before that a Reyes butler would always face a very unique problem, and that was the issue of being unable to be completely subservient to their master or mistress. Reyes butlers like Kyvan and Kylar were attached to their masters and mistresses once they turned 5 years old, and this relationship was irrevocable for the rest of their lives. They would naturally grow up as childhood friends, but a fine line between butler and master had to be drawn.

"Ugh..." The boy of 15 years old finally stirred on the bed, flipping around to turn his back to the window. "5 minutes more..."

"5 minutes it is. I advise you to not make me take drastic measures, Kyren." Kyvan warned his master before moving to his master's walk-in closet in the adjourning room. The automatic sensor threw the lights on over his master's whole repertoire of clothes, and Kyvan carefully picked out his young master's outfit for the day in accordance to the schedule that he had already memorised in his head. His young master had history lessons, followed by some light sword training planned ahead of him –Kyvan decided to pick clothes that were easy to move in, but was careful not to make his master look too casual.

With the outfit picked out, Kyvan brought the full set out and neatly arranged them draped them over the back of the one-seater couch. His next destination was the adjourning bathroom, where he rinsed the tub briefly before plugging the drain and began filling the tub with warm water. Kyvan continued to bustle around the bathroom to set everything perfectly –the toothpaste already squeezed and prepared on the brush, the shampoo and soap with his master's preferred scent placed in the vicinity of the shower, and towel set out and ready to be used.

It was only after everything was done that the young butler returned again to his master's bed.

"Kyren, it has been five minutes and twenty-eight seconds." Kyvan announced. "You have the next twenty seconds to get up yourself."

"Don't learn from Kylar and let me sleep another 5 minutes more..." The young man –boy, actually –groaned once again, throwing the covers over himself as his butler began to countdown aloud.

"We wouldn't have to do this if you will wake up easily like Miss Kaylen." Kyvan reminded, temporarily interrupting his countdown to say.

"My sister is 9. Of course she has energy to get up every day. She doesn't have to go through stupid lessons every day." Kyren's complaint came again even as the countdown continued, clearly not ready to get out of bed yet.

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