Attack and Escape - Part 1

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[Attack and Escape – Part 1]

It did not come.

Keyron, with his back against the door, watched as his master's eyes widened, and grabbed his son instinctively, pulling a stumbling and shocked Kyren behind him. Instincts cultivated as a butler flared immediately as Keyron reached to grab the knife left on the chopping board on the island beside him.

A force appeared out of nowhere and shoved him forwards, and hot, excruciating pain once again started on his shoulder where his brother had stitched him up minutes ago. He could not hold back the cry of pain that escaped his lips as he crashed to the floor, but instead of letting the situation take him down, Keyron used the confusion to grab at his pocketknife kept in his pants pocket.

Reacting quickly, Keyron did not waste time to find his feet beneath him to brandish his weapon against the hostile force, and he knew he had his attacker surprised when there was a cry of shock before he kneed his attacker in the stomach. The sound of scuffles came loud near him, but Keyron's instincts was mainly to secure the safety of his master and young master –both of whom had smartly shuffled back closer to the room and doing their best not to attract too much attention while trusting Keyron to deal with the mess.

Forcing pain away from his consciousness, Keyron proceeded to engage in a fight very much like what he had faced in the street hours ago –except for the fact that they were now in a very cramped place, and he had Kyrano as backup. His brother himself was doing very well holding back the flood of men that had come crashing into the apartment, and Kyrano had some point had gotten hold of the kitchen knife on the island and was making a bloody mess of the place and the intruders.

"Keyron, do your job!" He heard his master's frustrated yell and temporarily turned his attention to find his master swinging a lamp at an advancing attacker, all the while backing both himself and his son further closer to the room where the young mistress slept.

"Get him! The Butler in White!" Keyron heard someone declare, and he found himself barreled by multiple bodies. Someone's fingers mercilessly jabbed into his now-open bullet wound, and the jolt made him drop his pocketknife as he found himself forced to the floor.

"Keyron!" Brandon's frustration could be heard clear as day.

"A little busy here if you can't see!" Keyron yelled back, fending his attackers off and doing his best to free himself from the stack of men who had come to join in trying to pin him down with their body weights. "Kyrano!"

A flash of a dark figure weaving through the crowd answered the call. Keyron's expectations for his master to be gallantly saved faltered when the blur came to a stop a few centimeters away from the attacker standing in front of his master, Kyrano's weapon raised and poised for attack, but not swinging down.

"One wrong move and your young master's brain goes splat." A cold and confident declaration cleared Keyron's momentary confusion, and Keyron shook off enough weight to raise himself just in time to see the gun barrel rested on Kyren's head as the boy was dragged out from behind his father.

"Very good. It is very satisfying to see a butler of Keyron's caliber obeying to my orders once more." The man who had managed to move through the chaos to reach Brandon's side removed his ski mask with his free hand, and revealed a familiar face that Keyron had not assumed he would be seeing again.

It was the ex-young master of the disgraced Hague family. Years back, when the Hague family had fallen from grace and crumbled into nothingness, fourteen-year-old James Hague had gone missing. The business world had assumed that the ex-young master had escaped and made another identity to live under and had not bothered trying to chase the fourteen year old to impose responsibility of what his parents did. Keyron himself had tried to collect information about James Hague, but when the boy who had changed his name into Jason Kramer flew overseas for studies, Keyron had assumed that all was well, and that James was not looking for revenge like how the butlers and servants of his old household were attempting to do.

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