001 // New Starts

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"Okay I'm off to work bye babe" I said waving bye to Josh
"Bye Ness good luck on your first day" He said as I walked out.

When I got to work I saw a bunch of girls walking around serving guests when I walked up to the counter I introduced myself to them
"Hello I'm Nessa and I got a job here so where should I start" I said as a lady pulled me to the side"
You can help by putting this on and going and serving guests" She said as she handed me a blue and green short dress that had very short sleeves
"Oh okay I guess" I said walking in the bathroom putting it on
"Is this good" I said as the lady pushed me out
"So I assume you met Mads" The pretty brown haired girl said that was standing next to me cleaning a glass cup
"Yeup" I said
"I'm Avani, Avani Gregg"
She said "I'm Janesa Barrett but you can call me Nessa"
I said as she wiped off the counter
"So this is your first day here" She asked
"Yep" I said picking up the last note-pad on the counter "Don't worry it'll be fine do you want me to show you around after our shift" She asked
"Sure but when does it end" I asked
"2 hours 19 minutes 39 seconds" She said smiling
"Oh okay" I said as I took my notepad and walked off to a table

2 hours later

"Okay so now that it's over what were you gonna show me" I asked as I sat down my notepad on the counter
"Everything! The bar, the suites, the men, the bathrooms in case you get lost when you need to go, the managers office, the special suites and more" She said as we walked to the elevator
"Damn how are there eleven floors" I said fixing my dress as the doors closed
"I don't know ask Jaden" She said
"I'm sorry who's Jaden" I asked
"Oh that's Mad ass Mads husband people say she was just using him for money" She said as the doors opened on floor number 4
"Do you wanna go meet him first I think he'll really like you" She said as we walked out the elevator
"Sure" I said as we walked to an office and Avani knocked on it's door
"come in" I heard a male voice say from inside
"Hi Jaden this is Nessa she's new" She said as we walked in front of his desk

 "Okay so now that it's over what were you gonna show me" I asked as I sat down my notepad on the counter "Everything! The bar, the suites, the men, the bathrooms in case you get lost when you need to go, the managers office, the special suites an...

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"Well it's nice to meet you Ness" He said shaking my hands
"Yeah" I said as someone called him from his work phone
"Excuse me for a moment" He said picking up his phone as we left his office
"I'm not gonna be here tomorrow" I said as we got in the elevator
"Why what's happening" She asked
"I'm getting my you know waxed" I said making avani gasp
"Girl, the last time I got mine Jaden wasn't working here, and he's been working here for 13 months" She said as we landed back on the first floor we found a place to sit outside
"Damn, can I get your number before I leave" I said as she told me her number

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