021// Mini-Me

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"Hey I got donuts" Jaden said entering my messy living room
"Is it glazed" I said still crying
The reasoning behind me crying and Jaden at my house being my support system is cause Josh went all the way to Austin Texas to meet up with this girl who he had met on snapchat quick add and since I'm logged into his snapchat account as well as mine I could easily go on it and see the flirty or what Josh calls it "friendly" messages so if you want me to say it in a short way, yes Josh is cheating on me
"Hey I got donuts" Jaden said entering my messy living room
"Is it glazed" I said still crying
"I don't know the person that was there gave me everything they had left" He said giving the box to me opening it and seeing many different types of donuts but the second I saw a glazed one I picked it up sat the box on the couch next to me and started munching on the donut since I haven't eaten in two days

"Is it good" He said referring to how fast I was eating it
"Very" I said
"I bet" He said sitting down on the other side of me
"So did you get the divorce papers printed out yet" He asked taking of powder sugar donut
"Yeah I'm just waiting to find out when he's gonna sign it" I said as Jaden pulled up the hoodie that I was wearing so only my boobs were covered
"What if we just ran away and made a mini-me since we already have a mini you upstairs in the other room" Jaden said circling my stomach with his finger
"I'd like that"

sorry i made y'all scroll down this far but that's the end of this chapter sorry it's so short

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