014// Jadens Story

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7 years ago (15 year old Jaden

Jaden Hosslers Story

"JADEN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW" My dad screamed from the living room as I ran down the stairs in the living room to see my mom, dad, both my sisters and my brother sitting on the sofa watching me as I entered the living room
"Uh what happened" I asked confused
"Your sister Hailey said you've been hooking up with someone for 3 months " My dad said leaving me wide eyed and standing there confused
"I'm sorry Jay I had to tell them" She said
"Yeah I did that" I said
"Oh my!" My my mom said
"Pack your bags, I wanna see you leave here by midnight tonight" He said as I went back upstairs to my room


"Bye Isaiah" My brother Cameron said patting my back as I left the house
"Wait!" Hailey said
"What" I said
"Here take this in case you ever wanna find your way back" She said handing me her business cards hugging me as I left the house

The Next week

"Good morning sleepy head" Mads said sitting next to me as I woke up
"Good morning" I said yawning and stretching
"It's quiet where did everyone go" I asked getting out bed
"They went to the store which mean we're here by ourselves, alone" She said smirking
"Okay then" I said taking both our clothes off, picking her up, kissing her as i carried her to the shower

5 hours later when i got out my bed again since me and mads had sex again. When we walked downstairs holding hands all eyes were on us
"What happened" I said stupidly
"Oh Jaden oh yes Jaden ugh ugh" Josh said mocking mads and moaning
"Haha very funny" She said slapping him in the head rolling her eyes
"What did y'all get from the store" I asked
"chips soda noodles and rice" Blake said
"I didn't agree to that what it's whatever" Amelie said making everyone laugh
"Well me and Mads are going out on a date tonight" I said
"Oh that's cool have fun" Josh said

Later that night

"I want to have a baby with you" Mads said out of the blues
"Oh" I said plainly
"So do you want to do it" She asked
"Yeah but not tonight I have to go somewhere early in the morning at 7"
"Oh okay"

The next day

"I'm about to leave I'm gonna be gone for two days if you don't know what i said i wrote it on a piece of paper on your nightstand" I said whispering in mads ear while she was sound asleep putting a piece of paper on her nightstand

3 hours later

"Oh my God Jaden!" Hailey said running up to me spilling champagne on her dress
"Hi" I said
"So are you and you know still together" She asked
"Yeah" I responded
"Nice" She said as we walked up to our dad
"Hello Jaden nice to finally see you again
"Did you know that your sister is a doctor now" He said
"No I did not know congratulations on the job Hailey" I said congratulating her
"Thank you" She said giggling as a tall red haired woman walked up to us
"Jaden this is your stepmother her name is rose" My dad said as I shook her hand
"Nice to meet you" I said
"Your sister has told me so much about you" She said
"Yeah I did that" Hailey said leaning on a table behind her
"Well it's getting late so I'm gonna go find a hotel to crash at" I said getting off the boat
"Bye Jaden"

3 hours later
"Hello I'd like a hotel room with one bed" I said as the lady gave me a key

2 minutes later I got up to my hotel room and laid in the bed trying to get some rest

The next day I woke up in the same clothes I was in last night but anyways so when I got up I felt myself to be hungry I wanted to go down to the hotels buffet thing but I couldn't since it was too expensive and it only takes cash so I got dressed and left the hotel walking around the area trying to find something to eat. After a while I found a place which was called Johns Diner when I walked up to the door I saw a beautiful brunette girl with brown eyes I saw her turn the closed sign around but I knocked asking if I could come in and she opened the door letting me in
"Hi, we just closed" She said
"WHAT no way" I said sarcastically in a duh voice
"Haha but can I get you anything to eat" She asked laughing
"Uh do you have grilled cheese" I asked as she nodded
"But why did you let me in if you were closing" I said as she went behind the counter
"You looked like you were in a rush and I wasn't going anywhere" She said taking bread from a cabinet
"That made no sense at all" I said making her laugh again
"You seem nice what's your name" She asked
"Jaden Hossler" I said
"Oh my God your the famous tiktoker!" She said smiling
"Well I wouldn't call myself famous, but what's your name" I asked chuckling under my breath
"Nessa Barrett" She said
"You have a pretty name" I said as she handed me a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich on it
"Shut up it's not pretty at all" She said
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes sitting at a table
"So tell me about yourself" I said
"I'm a musician" She said sitting in front of me
"Okay now tell me more" I said
"I'm in college" She said smiling
"That's cool" I said
"Yeah" She said as I finished the sandwich
"Oh shit it's 1 I'm supposed to be meeting my dad at his boat party" I said standing up
"Oh well bye Jaden" She said walking up to me
"Thanks for letting me in and making me a sandwich" I said
"Thanks for staying" She said as we both just started into each others eyes as I broke it kissing her passionately

Later at the Boat Party

"Jaden why is there lipstick on your lips" Hailey asked
"Was Doing the chapstick thing with a mannequin" I said lying
"Oh okay" She said walking away as my dad walked up to me
"Your girlfriend called me" He said
"Oh that's nice" I said
"No not really" He said
"Why what happened" I asked
"She told me to tell you that your friend Josh is moving out of the sway house and isn't coming back until he gets his life together" He said making my jaw drop as I just put my hand over it
"Oh okay"


"And that's my story" I said ending it
"Damn that's said Im sorry" Avani said
"Now I want a grilled cheese"Josh said
"Fuck that, you and Nessa kissed" Amelie said putting a blanket over her shoulders
"Yeah but it was hella long ago" Nessa said
"Yeah"  I said
"So you kissed when you and mads were dating" Charli said
"Tea" Dixie said

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