003 // Baby Daddy

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I was getting ready in my room for my stay in date with Josh I picked out a pink dress that his sister Olivia got me for my birthday

I was getting ready in my room for my stay in date with Josh I picked out a pink dress that his sister Olivia got me for my birthday

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When I got in my car to drive to his I kept telling myself that I was gonna tell him that I'm pregnant

When I got to his house I knocked on the door so it wouldn't seem like I'm being rude or anything you know and after 23 seconds he opened the door and when I looked at his dinner room table I saw candels lit on it

"Okay Nessa" He said getting down on one knee
"I didn't feel like adding a bunch cause we both already know I love you so Nessa barrett will you marry me-" He said but I cut him off
"Josh I'm pregnant" I said

"I don't know how it happened, I didn't have sex" I said trying to clear up the thoughts in his mind
"Then what was it if you didn't have sex" He asked
"I don't know" I said as I left his house

The next day I went to work and saw Avani talking to a blonde girl when I walked up to them Avani introduced me
"Addison this is Janesa" Avani said
"Just call me Nessa" I said
"Well nice to meet you I'm Addison" She said
"Oh earlier Jaden came down and said he wanted to talk to you, you should go up to his office" Avani said while I walked to the elevator

2 minutes later I got to his office I knocked and he let me in
"Avani said you wanted to talk" I said sitting on one of his chairs as he closed his computer
"It's my baby" He said
"Huh" I said confused
"I'm the father of the baby you're carrying" Jaden said which made my eyes widen
"Oh wow uh okay" I said
"Was that all" I asked
"Yeah" He said as I waved and walked out

After work
"So Ness are you coming to the party tonight" Avani asked
"I can't I'm pregnant remember" I said
"Wait your pregnant" Addison said
"Yup" I said
"Who's the daddy" Addison said
"I can't really say" I said

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