005 // True Mystery

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"What happened how did we get here" I said waking up in one of the special suites on the highest floor laying on the couch on top of Jaden
"I don't know" Jaden said
"Room service?" Someone said knocking on the door
"I'll get it" I said as Jaden walked into the bathroom
"Hi" I said smiling letting her in
"Just sign right here" She said as I signed it
"Thanks" I said as she walked out and closed the door

"Hey" Jaden said happily walking out the bathroom wrapping his arms around my waist
"Hi!" I said as he kissed my cheek
"You got breakfast" He said taking a plate of waffles putting it on my lap
"Thanks" I said as he sat down next to me


"Coming" Jaden said while I was munching on the waffle
"Have you seen Nessa" Avani asked Jaden
"Nope haven't seen her since yesterday night" He said as I sneezed
"Is there someone in there with you?" Avani said
"No" Jaden lied
"Okay but when you do find Nessa give her her phone back it's been ringing off the hook since last night" Avani said handing Jaden my phone
"Got it I will" Jaden said as he closed the door
"Here" He said sitting down handing me my phone
"Shit I'm late for my shift" I said running out the door
"Bye babe- Nessa" Jaden said waving

Nessa Barrett

"Am I late" I said talking to Avani
"Only like 50 minute late" She said laughing
"Did Jaden give you your phone back" She asked
"You know what's crazy"
"hm" I said
"Charli and Addison said they saw you and Jaden walk upstairs to one of the honeymoon suites" Avani said picking her nails
"That's crazy like I dont even see myself doing that" I said nervously chuckling
"Nessa I need to talk to you" Madison said walking up to the counter as Avani walked away
"Follow me" She said as I followed to the elevator
"What were you doing last night" She asked making me go wide eyed
"It was a tough busy night" I said
"Oh really? Cause a lot of people are saying that they saw you and Jaden walk off holding hands together to a highest suite in the hotel
"Okay yes I did do it but I don't know how it happened we just woke up on each others body" I said crying as the elevator door opened
"Okay Jesus stop crying you're making this more depressing then it already is" She said as we entered her office and I saw Jaden on the couch on his phone
"I want you guys to stop seeing each other" Madison said
"What but that's not fair he is the father of the baby I'm carrying" I said
"Excuse me?" She said chocking on her words
"It's a long story" Jaden said walking up standing behind the chair I was sitting in
"I have about 2 hours so why don't you take a seat and sit down J" She said as Jaden sat next to me rubbing my thigh
"So what is it" She said while Jaden was still rubbing my thigh
While Jaden was rubbing my thigh in circles I felt my dress starting to become wet from my vagina and down
"So she went to the doctors offices and Hailey put my sperm up her" Jaden said
"Yeah-" I said under my breath
"Can I be excused to the bathroom" I said as Jaden nodded and took his hand off my thigh

Nessa Barrett

"Avani!" I said running up to Avani sweating and with my legs wet
"Yeah?- Why are you sweating and wet" She said
"Long story but I need a favor" I said
"What is it" She said
"I found my biggest turn on but thats not what I need"
"What do you need Nessa" She said
"Do you have any extra dresses" I said as she pulled me in the closet
"Yeah here try this one" She said as I took off the wet dress and put on the new fresh dress
"It's perfect" I said leaving the closet
"I have to go now" I said running to the elevator
When I got back to Madison's office I saw her and Jaden arguing
"Oh Nessa hey" She said as I sat back down next to Jaden
"I feel like I walked in on the wrong time so I'm just gonna-" I said but getting cut off
"No stay I actually have a meeting in 5 so nice talking to you Ness" She said walking out her office
"So she seems nice anyways I gotta go my shift starts in 3 minutes" I said getting up but Jaden pulled me down onto his lap
"Oh and now I'm on your lap" I said
"I'm serious I need to go" I said chuckling
"Do you want me to walk you down" He said as we stood up
"Sure" I said smiling
When we left Madison's office Jaden locked the door and then we took the stairs down
"So what are you doing Saturday" He said as we arrived on the first floor
"Nothing, you?"
"Nothing so I was thinking do you wanna go out and maybe get lunch" He asked
"Sure" I said
"Hey Ness Jaden the new dress looks good on you" Avani said boiling water
"New dress?" Jaden said laughing
"Another long story" I said placing my head on the counter wrapping my arms around my head
"There there it's gonna be okay" Jaden said rubbing my back
"Oh that reminds me can I stay here for the night" I asked Jaden
"I don't mind" He said

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