004 // Introduction Again

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"What's happening Avani" I said as I walked up to her
"Jaden is giving us straws and the one with cut has to be the mermaid" Avani said as I took the last straw out of his hand
"Okay now everyone look at your straws" He said as I looked at my straw and saw that it had a cut
"God damn it" I said under my breath as Jaden walked up to me
"Okay Ness you have the tail" He said

12 minutes later I was outside laying on a blue transparent surface with the blue mermaid shell/bra and turquoise tail that Jaden gave me with a champagne bottle in my hand while the bottom of my tail was flapping

jadens pov
"Babe?Jaden" Mads said sticking her bottle of champagne in the air
"Everyone I would like to make a toast" I said picking up a bottle which had champagne in it
"I would like to make a toast  for my beautiful wife Maddison" I said sticking my bottle in the air kissing her

nessa barrett

"okay nessa now that nobody's near us tell me who the daddy is" Avani said while we walked into the employee bathroom
"it's jaden"
"wait so did you guys-" she said but I cut her off
"no i would never even knowing he has a wife" i said
"then how did it happen" she asked as we walked out the bathroom
"i don't know but all i know is that it's jadens" I said
"what's jadens" bryce said walking up to us
"Oh! this thing that avani bought for Jaden" I said
"Nessa's pregnant with Jadens baby and she said they didn't have sex" Avani said
"I would never have sex with a married man and plus im saving myself for marriage" i said
"hey ness" jaden said walking up to me
"hi" I waved uncomfortably
"can we talk" he said giving avani and bryce a look as they walked outside
"i know you might not want to keep the baby but i want to keep it" he said touching my arm
"no i want to keep it" i said
"Okay" He said kissing me as he walked off outside

Jadens Hossler
"Where were you" Maddison asked
"I was inside talking to my sister" I said
"Oh and by the way how is Hailey?" Maddison asked
" *Sigh* Her wife cheated on her with a man" I said sighing
"Is that what you wanted to hear" I said
"Yes" She said laughing
"Enough Maddison" I said yelling as I walked away

Nessa Barrett

"Are you okay I saw that" I said giving him beer
"Yeah I'm fine" He said chugging the beer down
"Woah slow down there Mr Chubby Bear" I said as he laughed
"Nessa someone's calling you" Avani said coming out the storage closet handing me my phone
"Hey babe what's wrong" I said as I put my phone up to my ear

"Can you come over" He said

"I can't my shift ends in 4 hours" I said hanging up

"What was that" Jaden asked as I put my phone on the counter and sat next to Jaden
"My boyfriend was trying to get me to come over" I said
"You can go over if you want I'll say your shift ends now" He said
"Really" I said as he nodded
"Thank you" I said hugging him
"Sorry I'm a hugger" i said backing off him
"No it's fine" He said
"Hey babe will you introduce to your new friend" Madison said walking up to Jaden wrapping herself around his body
"She works here" He said
"Oh yes sorry it must've slipped my mind well nice to see you again" She said shaking my hand
"Pleasures mine" I said
"Well I'm gonna go now" I said walking out the hotel

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