010// New House Involing Guns

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"Wow this is nice" Jaden and Avani said entering my house
"Thanks do you want a tour" I asked as Avani closed and locked the door behind her
"Sure" Jaden said
"So this this is the living room of course" I said
"It's so big" Jaden said
"The living room is bigger than my bedroom" Avani said making me laugh
"So this is the kitchen" I said walking to the kitchen with them both following behind me
"Damn" Jaden said

Skip to when they get up to her room

"And finally this is my bedroom" I said while Jaden and avani started looking around
"Can I look in the walk in closet" Avani said
"No not yet it's very messy" I said panicking
"Oh okay" Avani said

2 hours later

"Why didn't you want Avani looking in the closet" Jaden asked as he laid down next to me
"It's just really messy" I said
"Mhm anyways how's chris" He said making me gulp
"Don't know haven't seen him since Thursday afternoon
"That's weird" Jaden said
"Why haven't you seen him in a while" Jaden asked
"He got sent to jail" I said
"What for?"
"Identify theft and fraud" I said
"How do you know it was those things" He asked
"I framed him and i made a account under his email acting like he was someone he ain't" I said
"Oh well I'm gonna run to the conner store and grab some snacks I'll be back in a few" Jaden said getting off the bed putting his shirt back on
"Bye" I said as he left through the window

When Jaden left I first went to my closet and checked if my guns were still in there and when i saw one i put it in my pocket after that i went downstairs since I heard a knock on the door. When I got downstairs I saw someone that surprised me
"Chris what are you doing here" I asked as he pushed me when he walked in
"Who'd you tell" He said pushing me
"What do you mean" I said scared
"Who did you tell that I got sent to jail" He asked
"I only told Avani and Jaden that's it" I said as he pushed me once more and stood in front me
"Where's Jaden" He asked as I started breathing heavily
"He went to the store" I said as he went to push me again while I took out the gun from my pocket and pulled the trigger and shot his balls
"You bitch" He said as blood started dropping on the floor


I heard a gunshot did you hear it too


Can I come over I need to vent


A while later Avani and Jaden both got there at the same time 12 minutes ago Chris had left so there was still blood on the floor since I didn't have time to clean it up

"Is that blood"Jaden said as I hid my hands by putting them behind me hiding the gun
"Yeah" I said accidentally dropping the gun faint from stress and anxiety

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