Chapter 1: A Dizzy Beginning

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(I'm so sorry that I didn't upload this sooner, I have the AO3 author curse and was super sick on the day I wanted to upload this! I do have a cover in the works that I drew myself, hopefully I should have it done by today or tomorrow!) 

The withered leaves broke away from their branches in the strong wind. They floated through the air, a lifeless husk of the spring they represent- the spring that now gives way to bitter autumn. Underfoot the leaves were crisp. They cracked and crumbled away into dust, sticking in the yellowed grass and the sidewalk cracks. Memories of warmth disappearing.

It was amazing how some things can unfold without being known. Animals can start families without ever being seen by man. Wildflowers can grow and thrive while hidden underneath concrete. And two armies can fight a secret war against each other without any government even catching a whiff.

A throbbing pain was the only thing that I could feel. It filled my head and turned my vision blurry. I stumbled forward, feet dragging across the pavement. Where was I? I didn't know. The only thing that remained was the echoing thought that I needed to keep moving.

That thought could not fuel my determination alone. The muscles in my foot gave out, sending me to the ground.

My vision went black.

A cold sensation shocked my system, throwing me suddenly back into consciousness. I jerked forward. A gasp escaped me.

"Someone's awake."

"Did you really have to throw water on them?"

I faintly recognized that I was lying down. Four people leaned over me.

"Are you okay?"

My vision was still swimming, so I wasn't sure who had asked that. With the way my eyesight blurred and refused to focus, the only way I could tell the difference between them was the distinct color each one wore.

"I..I don't know."

The one wearing green crouched down to my level. He waved his hand in front of my face slowly.

"What's your name? And how did you wind up on the sidewalk?"

I struck a blank. No matter how deep into my memories I searched, I wasn't given anything except a pounding headache. It must've shown on my face. The green man turned to his other companions.

"We should get her out of the cold. I think she might have a concussion or something."

While we moved, I didn't pay much mind to where we were going. All I could focus on was trying to tame the painful migraine. Before I knew it, I was sitting comfortably on a couch. The one in the purple hoodie draped a matching purple blanket around my shoulders.

"Can't have you catching a cold now, can we?"

The house was warm. Now that I was sitting down and steady, my vision stabilized. I took in the sight of the boys sitting on the floor in front of me. The ones that had spoken previously- green hoodie and purple hoodie- were looking at me with concern. One of the men, wearing a blue hoodie, was scrolling through his phone in disinterest. The last one wore a red hoodie. His gaze made me uncomfortable. It was like he was trying to uncover the things that even I didn't know, picking apart my brain until he found the core. Green hoodie tore my attention away.

"You really don't even remember your name? That fucking sucks."

Purple hoodie jumped into the conversation.

"You should stay with us!"

"What? No! We have too many people in the house as it is."

It was Blue hoodie that made this statement, giving a pointed glare at Red hoodie. Green swatted Blue upside the head.

"We have plenty of room. Plus, it's not like we can help her find any relatives. She didn't have any identification on her."

"Let's just put out a missing person's report then!"

Red stepped in at this point. It was the first time his eyes had left me during the entire thing.

"I doubt she is even from Britain. Listen to her voice, she sounds American. Putting out a report would not do any good."

Blue was silent after that. Green sighed.

"I guess it's settled. She's staying for the foreseeable future."

He stood, then paused.

"Oh shit, we should introduce ourselves. I'm Edd. These goons are Matt, Tom, and Tord."

Edd pointed to each in turn, then headed for the kitchen. Matt moved and sat on the couch beside me. He was oddly cold, but the blanket blocked most of it.

"If you don't remember your name, then what should we call you?"

That was a good question. What should they call me?

"I know!! How about I start suggesting names, and you choose the one you like the most?"

"Hm..okay. Sounds like fun."

The other two had dispersed, wandering off to different parts of the house. I could hear Edd messing around with something in the kitchen. Matt began listing off names, sometimes pausing to think. At first they were absurd, haughty names that you would see in tabloids, then they turned too basic and common. Despite that, we had a great time laughing and thinking about ridiculous names. I felt like I was really bonding with him.

"Okay, okay. What about.....What about [Name]? It's very you."


Why did that sound familiar...?

A jolt of realization struck me.


"No, that's my name!"

"Huh? No, I mean you've got it! That's my name, I remember!"

A grin broke out on Matt's face. He hugged me tightly, then practically dragged me to the kitchen. Edd looked up, halfway drinking a cola.

"Woah, cool it, Matt."

"Edd!!! We figured out her name!!! It's [Name]!!"

"You remembered? Is there anything else you've remembered?"

I fidgeted with my hands, suddenly nervous.

"No, only my name. I'm sorry."

I was met with a snort and a hand messing up my hair.

"You're probably tired. It's a bit late to set up the spare bedroom, so you'll have to take the couch for tonight."

I stared at the dark ceiling. How did this happen? What events in my life led me to the couch of a stranger's home, no recollection of my true identity? Was I involved in something? Something so dangerous that I ended up here? If so, then would that past come back to finish me off? Was I putting these men in danger?

These thoughts and the events of the day fell heavy on me. For the second time that day, I succumbed to the darkness. 

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