Chapter 7: The Red Army

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 (Medical/Injury mentions) 

A shrill scream woke me up. I looked around the unfamiliar room. Bright white lights and medical equipment served as the decoration. A hospital? Another scream sounded, this one louder. That's when I noticed the crowd of doctors in the room. One of them came over to me and gently pushed me back down. As I laid down, I looked past her.

Laying on a bed not too far from mine was a man. Half of his body was horribly wounded. Blood soaked the sheets under him and the white coats of the doctors working on him. His wounded arm was stretched out on a separate table. I cringed as I caught sight of the bloody saw. The sound of the blade on bone, mixed with his screams, was horrible.

Where was I? Why do I keep waking up in places with no recollection of how I got there? Was I hurt too?

I reached my hand up and felt my face. Bandages were littered across it, and a spot on my cheek was tender- most likely a bruise. It stung from the lightest touch. My entire body ached. My head was killing me, pain pounding against my skull. My breath caught in my throat. I gasped, but nothing came. Rapid beeping came from a machine beside me. A few of the doctors around the man came over to me. They began shouting orders to each other, things I couldn't understand. I faded out.


Whose voice was that?


Gray Leader?


No, Gray doesn't sound so-


My eyes flew open. I squinted in the overwhelming lights. I felt like my head was a construction zone with jackhammers chipping away at my brain. Did I fall back asleep?

"Finally. You're up."

That accent...


He scoffed.

"Yeah. Disappointed that I didn't die in the explosion?"

His words brought the memories flooding back. Something had struck the robot we were in, causing it to malfunction and explode.

I slowly sat up, my eyes adjusting. Tord sat on the bed beside mine. He was in his normal clothes, though the hoodie had been stripped and he was left in a tank top. The entire right side of his body was burnt and his right arm was gone. So he was the man I saw getting his arm sawed off. I remembered how horrible his screams sounded.

"What happened?"

He laughed and smashed out a cigar.

"The robot we were in blew up. Thomas hit it with his fucking harpoon gun. If it weren't for me, you'd probably be just as bad as this. So you'd better be fucking grateful that I'm so damn generous. After all, I saved your pretty face."

I rolled my eyes, earning a glare that I gladly returned. The only thing that stopped him from strangling me was the nurse that walked in. She began checking everything and changing his IV. I stretched my stiff limbs. Tord eyed my movements.

"So why the hell did you even bring me here?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Nurse, when will we be out of here?"

I hated how vague and ominous his answer was. The nurse had moved to check on my vitals, but looked up at him.

"She'll be good to go in a week, sir. You're going to need a couple of weeks, with additional time to develop and get used to your new arm."

Paint the World Red with Me (Tord x Reader) (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now