Chapter 13: One Normal Day

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(This is more of a filler chapter, but I felt like we needed some fluff after that arc) 

As the snow melted into the grass, the excitement of Gray Army's defeat also melted away. The soldiers turned back to their normal routine. Just because their enemy was gone, that did not mean their job was over.

My schedule also returned as it was before. Tord must have gotten used to my help- Heaven knew he needed a lot of it with paperwork. It was odd- I never thought days in an army base would be boring. In Gray Army, it was like Gray had some new mission every other day.

I shook the thought from my head. I wasn't part of Gray Army anymore. I didn't need to think about them anymore.

Tord looked at me over his plate. He must have noticed my lack of appetite. He spoke my name softly to get my attention.

"I'm about to get very busy in the next few days. Tomorrow is my last day off for a while, I expect. I was thinking about spending it in town and would like to join me?"

I blinked in surprise. I had heard the other soldiers talk about the town. It was a little market town just a few minutes outside of the base. Soldiers were free to go there during their time off to spend money from their salary. I never thought I'd get to see it one day.


"Unless you don't want to-"

"I'd love to!!"

Tord laughed from my outburst, standing when he finished his dinner.

"You'd better get some rest, then."

When Tord knocked on my door the next morning, I checked the clock on the wall. 8 AM. Tord had let me sleep an extra hour. The door creaked open and he walked in, a tray of breakfast in hand.

"God morgen! I, er, thought you would enjoy breakfast in bed."

He set it down on my lap as I sat up. Not leaving my warm bed sounded like a good deal to me. I smiled up at him in thanks. He looked away and cleared his throat. To my delight, a faint red dusted his handsome cheeks.

"Since we have plans, I'm canceling today's exercises. After you eat, go ahead and wash up."

Tord then fled into his office, making me giggle. I scarfed down my meal, eager to go out. Figuring Tord or someone else would grab it, I left the tray on my bed and went into the bathroom to shower. Much like my first day at the base, I found a pile of clothes on the sink. Surprisingly, it wasn't a uniform. It was something much more casual, though still stylish. It fit perfectly.

By the time I had gotten ready, Tord was waiting for me. I was shocked when I noticed he was wearing the black hoodie I had discovered in his closet. A red sweater peeked out from under it. His overcoat was longer, the ends falling to his knees. It had a fur trim on it. Some sort of red fabric was draped over his arm, almost touching the floor.

"Is that outfit to your liking? I wasn't sure if it was your style or not."

"It's perfect, thank you."

He smiled. Then he motioned me over. When I was close enough, he wrapped the red fabric over my shoulders, tying two strings together in the front. It was a cloak, a hood falling in the back.

"To keep you dry, in case it rains."

With the snow melting, it had begun raining frequently. Even underground, the pitter patter could be heard in the halls, muffled by layers of Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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