Chapter 2: Fun for the Whole Family

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A week seems like a short amount of time. However, a week with the men I found myself in the company of was packed with shenanigans. Somehow, as if some higher power decided to intervene, my wallet and phone were found. Edd had gone back to the area where they found me, wanting to see if there was any hint of what had happened. He had found them in a patch of burnt grass about 30 yards from where I had collapsed. It was something that struck me as odd. Why would the grass be burnt, and what did it? How did that relate back to me?

That wasn't the only strange part. My driver's license and credit cards were in the wallet. But when we searched up the name listed (which Matt had, in fact, correctly guessed), the information listed was vague. No relatives could be found, and it seemed as if I hadn't existed until 5 years ago. How did a then twenty year old girl suddenly get entered into the system with no proof of even being alive previously?

The phone wasn't much help, either. We thought we had something when we discovered that there was no password protection on it. This proved to be wrong, since it turned out that the entire phone had been factory reset. There was no information on it at all that could give clues to my identity. Clues that only provided more questions than answers.

By Saturday, we had given up hope.

The five of us were all sitting at the kitchen table, eating eggs and bacon that Edd cooked. It was late morning, around 10 am. At that point, I had been properly introduced to the household cat, Ringo. The gray cat was currently rounding about our legs, looking for scraps.

Edd cleared his throat, gaining all attention. Through observation, I had come to the conclusion that he was the unofficial official leader of the group. The others rarely contradicted him, and he usually had the final say in cooperative decisions. When there were disputes between the others, he was the one to put them to rest. He looked me in the eyes, serious.

"After this week, it seems you don't have anywhere you can go. So I want to offer to let you stay here. The extra room still has some of Matt's old junk, but we can clean it out for you."

Tom scowled.

"Are you sure Edd? We just kinda found her on the street one night."

Tord waved his fork, the bacon attached being closely followed by the feline under the table.

"For once I agree with Thomas. She could be dangerous."

"Guys, don't be assholes, she's right there. And who does this house technically belong to?"

His eyebrows raised, daring them to challenge him. The two mumbled 'you,' looking down at their plates.

"Exactly. So what do you say, [Name]?"

I went over the pros and cons in my head. On one hand, these were four strange men. Though they didn't seem dangerous, you never knew. Besides, something about Tord felt familiar- and not in a good way.

I looked up at Edd.

"I'd love to."

After breakfast, I decided to take a quick shower. Looking in the mirror of the bathroom, I sighed and rubbed my face. I looked like a rat. Sleepless nights had accumulated in dark circles under my eyes. A knock on the door was followed by Tord's voice.

"Hey, Edd asked me to bring you these spare clothes."

Opening the door, I accepted the pile of clothes from him. As I went to close the door, his hand found my wrist. I flinched from the suddenness and the strength of his grip. His eyes, silver and empty, fixed me with a stare that set my hairs on end.

"My roommates may be trusting, but you will find that I am not as foolish. I don't trust you. If you make a wrong move, not even Edd will be able to save you."

His voice was lowered to a whisper, accent thickening. If I wasn't scared for my life, I would've found it hot.

"Y-Yeah. I promise I'm not planning anything though."

He shrugged, let go, then smiled as if nothing had happened.

"I look forward to being your new roommate."

He was gone.

Tord's words echoed through my mind during my shower. I couldn't shake the look in his eyes. There was something about them that was off. Like a predator. I thought back to his threat. I shuddered.

Through the fear, I hadn't noticed what clothes Tord had brought me. Upon investigation, I saw they were a black hoodie that was old, based on how faded it was. Along with it was a pair of sweatpants and some socks. Both the hoodie and pants were fairly big on me.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I glanced around the hall to see if I could catch a glimpse of that red hoodie. Almost as if I was expecting him to be hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on his prey. Luckily it was empty, so I went to the living room. All four boys were flopped down tiredly. Edd, Matt, and Tom were on the couch, while Tord took up the armchair. A cardboard box sat on the floor, where Matt dug through the bits and bobs in it.

Hearing my footsteps, Matt's head popped up. He called my name excitedly. Energy suddenly replenished, he rushed over. I didn't even have time to react as he scooped me up in a hug, spinning me around. Although he wasn't as tall as Edd, he was still tall enough that I was lifted off the ground.

"We got most of the stuff cleared out of your room!"

"Matt- my ribs-"

The Brit gasped and set me down.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. You got excited."

Edd sat up on the plush red couch. There was a can of cola in his hands. It seemed like every other time I saw him, he was drinking one.

"I say we go to the mall to celebrate our new roommate. We could all do with getting out of the house for a while."

I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Tom. Matt opted for the floor instead and resumed his search through the box. The mall would be fun. It would be good for me to see the town. Plus, after talking with the bank on my credit card, I knew I had more than enough available for a little shopping spree.

"That's probably a good idea. I need to get some clothes and essentials. I'd rather not be stuck wearing this hoodie 24/7."

Tom started snickering and Tord shot a dirty glare our way. I blinked.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Tord picked up a cat toy from the ground and threw it at Tom, replacing his laughter with an annoyed huff.

"That's my old hoodie."

Oh. That explains why it smells like smoke.

Later that day I found myself in the backseat of Edd's car, wedged between Tom and Tord. They were snapping at each other, but one sharp glare from Edd through the rearview mirror cut it short. Which was good, one more sarcastic comment and I was afraid it was going to get physical.

I groaned softly under my breath as another obnoxious song came on the radio. A chuckle from beside me made me look up. Tom was holding an earbud out to me, the other already in his ear.

"The radio sucks, and we've still got a bit of a drive. I can play something you like."

I took the offer gratefully. His music was much better. My thoughts drifted off to my situation. I needed to figure out what had happened to me. I wasn't sure how to do that.

I was sent back to reality by a small nudge from Tom. He took the earbuds back after pausing the music, stuffing them into his pocket.

"We're here." 

Paint the World Red with Me (Tord x Reader) (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now