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Tessa's POV

I can't believe it. In just a few short minutes Hardins going to be here and I'm going to be able to tell him the great news. Hardin will be over the moon. I know that he will fear the worst but he won't show it. That is one of Hardins best qualities but also worst at the same time. At points it's great for he's able to be my rock but then there come the times where he's really secretive and holds in his emotions and never tells me what he really thinks about anything.

I unlock my lock screen and go onto messages waiting for a message from Hardin to come. He was supposed to come back about an hour ago now. Whenever Hardins late he always lets me know. I sit on are sofa for another half an hour waiting for any message to do with where he is and why he's not home. After torchering myself for another 20 minutes I decide to take things into my own hands. I hit the call button to call Hardin. I nervously tap my fingers on my lap as it continues to ring. After calling him three times I stop.

I know Hardin well enough to know that he'd never ignore my phone calls on purpose. Even when we get into fights he never ignores me. He would always send me a text saying that he's okay and where abouts he is. I have a few possibilities of why he hasn't texted me or called so one of them must be the reason

1.His phone died

2.He's in the car now and so isn't able to answer

3.He found out

4.Hes in a meeting and has lost track of time.

Straight away I can eliminate option number one because I know his phone was on full this morning

Option number two is highly probably. He could be in really bad traffic after all we do live in New York.

Option number three. Option number three I don't even want to think about and if I do I think I may be physically sick. No no definitely not. NO!

Option number four wouldn't make a huge amount of sense since I don't think that he's been working on anything just recently. This brings me to another question. Why has he been working so much just recently? There's nothing that I'm aware of that he needs to be doing.

I stand up pacing the room as I try to come up with any logical reasons for why he's been working so much when there's no work to be done. And why he's been distancing himself from me.

I hear what sounds like two cars pulling up the driveway. I hide the pregnancy test in one of my handbags as I walk over to the door. I can't believe that I'm pregnant again. I just hope that Hardins in a good mood so I can tell him. The anticipation is crazy.

I stare at the door as the person I love most in this world walks through into our home. He keeps his eyes to the floor as he takes his coat and shoes of. I say hi in a happy voice but weirdly he doesn't reply. He stomps past me not even taking in the fact that I'm there as he goes into our kitchen.

"What's wong?" I ask knowing that there's something hugely wrong for him to act this cold around me. Once again all I get in reply is silence. I walk into our kitchen and place myself right Infront of him, putting both of my hands on his shoulders as I try to get him to look at me. "Talk to me," I say desperate putting my hand on his chin, trying to force it down so I can look at his beautiful face. He looks down at me. His eyes are full of sadness.

He's drunk! I can't believe it, he's drunk. He's been sober for... Wait I think that's from crying. He turns away from me and goes into are shared bedroom. "Hardin, please talk to me!" I beg as I follow him.

I suddenly find myself wondering if he knows.

Thanks for reading! Please remember to vote, it helps a lot. I hope I get to hear your theories xox :)

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