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Alannah's POV

'As time went on I got worse. I spent everyday at home laying on my bed crying and crying but then one day that changed. I was sitting down at a table at school with my friends. It was my second week back and all I'd been doing in lesson was sitting their with my head on my arms as I tried to fight my crying.

I laid there at the table wanting the floor to swallow me up when two girls that had bullied me all through year seven and eight walked over to me. "Emo girl can you stop acting so depressed and being a bitch. Okay your dad died but so what he was just a dickhead and druggy that didn't even love you. Who can blame him though? Who would care for a little selfish cock sucker?" They taunted laughing at me. That one moment changed my life. Being the person that I am I wouldn't let them say that and so I did what I still believe to be the right thing. I punched them both as hard as I could wanting them to be in as much pain as they'd just made me feel. That was the first time I punched someone. The first day I drew blood and the first day a teacher had to drag me off someone.

Time went on and I became more violent. I was suspended put on report yet it didn't stop me from hitting whoever I wanted. I was no longer that sweet quiet girl that people could walk over. I was the girl that no one dared to mess with. At the start of June only six months after his death I was kicked out and I'd had enough.

I got home and packed a few pieces of clothing a spare phone I'd bought myself that I'd been using to contact drug dealers and £2470. I was on my way. The walk to the train station was weird as I thought about the life that I was leaving behind me.

Hours later there I was in London wondering if I had chosen to do the right thing. I begged a lot for food trying not too spend as little of my money as I could. It went on like this for weeks wondering round the streets seeing everything there was too see before I decided to move too Hampstead.

The first time I went down to Hampstead I decided that was where I was going to stay. I began working at a gentleman's club doing private dances for people the club trusted. They didn't want to be arrested for hiring a thirteen year old. The club didn't pay much but the men that came did. Money wasn't something I had to worry about any more. I even got a studio where I spent a lot of my time.' I was later kicked out for being 13'

October eleven months after my fathers death.

Hardin's POV

(I look next too me watching Tessa as Alannah tells her all about her past wondering what she's thinking. After some time I realize that its my turn to talk."

'I was walking back home at around ten o'clock when I saw Alannah sitting by the road for the first time. "Hi," I slurred drunk wondering what she was doing. "Hey," She replied counting out her money with a fag in her mouth. "Did you break into someone's house?" I questioned pointing to the stack of cash. "Nope," She answered standing up making me understand how. "Striper?" I asked confused walking over too her as she sat back down on the curb. "Yep," she nodded with a friendly smile. I'm not sure why but I felt really comfortable with her. "How?" I questioned not sure how she would be able too at such a young age, "And why?" I asked talking way more then normal. "They only care about the money and I need the money," she replied answering both my questions. I nodded and walked away to my home knowing I'm about too get yelled at. Every single day at 9:45 she showed up outside to count her money and then lay on the streets in the small alleyway next too my house. Each day we'd have a small conversation she'd mention how work had went and I'd tell her about the party id just went too and the girl that id just fucked. It was the only time that I laughed and acted like the person I am today.

November the third

I walked back seeing that the time was 9:40. I knew in a matter of minutes she'd be there and so I sat down and waited. minutes later she showed up wearing something new and I liked it. "Hey," I smiled as she approached. "Hi Hardin," She replied coming closer to me looking so much better. "You look nice," I stammered looking her up and down. "Thanks, I got them today and some more clothes," She told me. She was wearing Nike white trainers, some river island jeggins, a crop top, a chequered white and black jacket and a necklace with an infinite symbol that she always wore. Her hair had been cut and layered and she only had very light makeup on. She looked much prettier than normal and seemed much happier. "It suits you. Why didn't you get clothes sooner I mean you have the money." I asked.

"Yeah I've just been worried that if I got some new clothes id be robbed and plus tomorrows my birthday," She told me sitting down. "Happy. . ." I started realizing that I don't actually know how old she is "Fourteenth." She answered. "Happy fourteenth birthday." I said meaning it as I got back up. "Have a good night," She said standing up too. "I hesitated for a while wondering if too ask her if she would like to stay at mine. "You should stay at mine," I blurted as the rain began too come down on us. "I'm not," she started before I interrupted. "Its fine seriously, we've got a spare bed you can sleep on." I continued close to begging. "Mmm," she hesitated as I took her bag off her pleading with my eyes. "Fine," she giggled as we walked up the steps to my mums.

We walked in talking about the weirdest things that have ever happened to us as I opened up the door to see my mum staring daggers at me. We both ignored her as we sit down on the sofa opposite her laughing are heads off. I looked back to my mum who had a small smile on her face as she watched us laughing. "Where were you?" She asked trying to act serious. "Some friends," I replied my mood tensing. She then turned to Alannah who was sitting next to me "You are," Trish asked smiling at Alannah "Alannah, a friend of Hardin's," She answered smiling at my mum. "I told her she could stay in the spare room," I said to my mum but not moving my eyes off Alannah. "Of course, That's a lovely idea. Do your parents know you'll be staying here?" She asked making me growl knowing its a sensitive subject. "They're not in my life." Alannah replied coldly showing no emotion, her eyes darkening showing a completely new version of herself. "okay," my mum replied with a gulp. I pushed Alannah towards the stairs saying that I would meet her in my room and that its the first room on the left. Alannah smiled thanking my mum for letting her stay over. "She seems nice," my mum relied a big grin on her face. "She is," I whispered showing a small smile that my mum noticed. "Son," she beckoned as I began walking up the stairs, "Don't mess this up," She sighed. "And tell Alannah that as long as she's putting a smile on my son's face she can stay here." 

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that," I replied walking up the stairs and going into my bedroom where Alannah was sat on one of my bed,"

"Hay!" I began

"hay, what were you talking to your mum about?" She asked curious.

"Nothing really but she did say that you can stay here as much as you like," I replied watching as her the ends of her mouth turn up into a small smile

"Cool, your mum seems nice," She continued giving me a half smile that I reciprocated 

"Yeah she's alright I suppose, as far as mums go id say she's all right," I nodded my head agreeing with what she was saying. 

"Anyway what do you want to do" She questioned changing the subject 

"I'm not too sure" I said taking a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it up

"Can i have one" Alannah asks leaning forward surprising me "what you didn't expect a runaway stripper to ask for a cigarette" she questioned making me laugh as she raises an eyebrow trying to keep her face serious

"Well when you put it that way it doesn't seem that strange," I replied passing the one in my mouth to Alannah whilst I relighted a new one.

Alannah POV talking to Tessa

We carried on like that for about three months always staying in that bedroom after hearing one off Hardin's  nightmares and finding that when I stayed in his bedroom they didn't happen. Trish enrolled me in the same school as Hardin and we began attending together when we felt like it. school wasn't a huge part of our lives for we only went for a few hours each week. The rest off the time was spent together talking, getting high, drunk or simply going to parties. Those first 6 months went fine and we became closer and closer. People in our 'group' or whatever you want too call it believed that we were in an open relationship for they saw how close we were to each other and yet we always ended up in bed with someone else. It was about 7 months after I'd moved In with Hardin that we began dating one another. We stayed with each other all the time, we were inseparable During that time was when we learnt that we both had a great passion for reading classics. And playing drums and guitar.  

And then the years passed and me and Hardin were in love. I was also part off the family. We had are ups and downs but we always had one another by the time the sun went down. But then that all stopped. A party and what we wanted to do got in the way off our love and so here we are.

Vote please. I hope you liked it and next chapter is back too normal. Tell me what your thoughts are. Sorry it took so long but here you go.

Tessa, Hardin and a babyWhere stories live. Discover now