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Tessa's POV 

After they finished explaining I was left in pure shock. That was definitely not what I expected but well I don't know actually. They asked me what my thoughts were on everything they had just told me and so I told them honestly that I was okay with all off it and that I was happy they had trusted me with telling me all off it but that it was just a lot too take in. 

Over the next few days me and Hardin sorted out an appointment to see how far along i am and too check that the baby is healthy. Alannah and I became great friends over them days too which I was very great full for but there were moments that I wondered if there was anything that they hadn't told me about there past life together. There is bound too be something. 

Today its Saturday and I have a meeting at Vance publishing. Yes I work two jobs, I'm the head off the New York branch  and also ceo of Tessa's weddings. The reason for this is that I love them both equally as much and I don't have too do a huge amount at them. For my  wedding business I have four people working for me meaning I only have too do a small proportion off the work that doesn't mean though that it cant be stressful, in fact its more stressful but it does help the whole working at home and Vance publishing. At Vance its the same pretty much they only difference is that at Vance I get to spend time with Hardin and i get too shout at him when he's not on schedual. On a daily basis. Me and Hardin get into his car and we're on our way. 

When we get too the Vance publishing Hardin goes down too try and find Andrew the main editor on whatever he's working on and I go up too the meeting room to sort out my notes before my first meeting begins. Once every few weeks I have a meeting with all my staff first the heads off each department, then the authors, then one with all off the different editors, then accounting team, proof readers and then each author and there team its always a long day just so i can get everything done. Most days I have at least one meeting and then i just wonder around keeping track of everything.

8 o clock and so it begins 

All the heads come in and i have a chat with each off them about how its all going and they all say that its going well and express there few concerns. Unfortunately as normal Hardin is brought up by our head of editing saying that Hardin has been assigned four editors but from what he's seen not one off them have done any editing since being assigned to him.

8:30 meeting two 

 After that they all leave and I'm met with all thirteen off our authors. They all quickly summarise whats going on and i tell them who and when i will speaking too them tonight. I chose seven off them, four off those our having there books released soon, two off the are new too the company and one off them is the wonderful Hardin Scott. I could tell he was annoyed I'd chosen him but never mind. 

9 o clock meeting three to eight  -  editing and design team.

I once again talk to them and they explain whats going on but when i ask about Hardin the team goes silent. A wonderful sign. 

12 o clock meeting nine - accounting team 

they tell me all of the figures and asked me about if i needed any changes in them and let me tell you there were lots.

At half one i take a lunch break before my next meeting at 2:15 

2:15 meeting ten - reading team 

This meetings always fun saying which books i want too be more looked at and often giving people promotions.  Which i got to do today. 


I meet with six off my authors and there teams too see how everything is going and i must tell you the meetings are fun. We get too go over everything and i mean everything. One off the authors Lilly she's only 23 a year younger than myself and her book is coming out in three weeks and so we talked it all over before just talking about how far it had come and telling her that if she ever came up with anything else to contact me. 

Before i know it the first six are all over and its 8 o clock. One more left, one with a Hardin Scott. 

"okay then so what have you each been up too because as I see in front off me i have five great employees that haven't been doing anything from what I've heard." I say sternly.

"Come on Tess, I have got something that I've been working I just thought it best to not show you until its finished,"  After Hardin said that we ended up in a huge argument that only finished when i threatened telling him that if he doesn't show me tomorrow what the team has been working on he's fired from Vance Publishing. 

Me and Hardin leave the office shortly after still angry with one another. "Hardin," I say in the car not wanting us to be angry as we see our child for the first time. "What?" He questions gripping the wheel harder. "I don't want to be angry at me and i definitely don't want these two parts off our lives too over lap like this," 


Thanks for reading again, please vote. Sorry for the long wait but i will try to upload more often. I know this chapter wasn't the best but i just wanted to show you a glimpse into there work lives. Next chapter will be about them seeing the baby for the first time.

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