Alannah's coming

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I wake up next to my favourite person. I stay laying down for a while staring at her thinking about the fact that soon theirs going to be a mini version of her in this house. I hope that she looks just like her mother. I'm not sure why I'm saying she but it sounds right. My life is really coming into place. I'm so lucky and so thankful for all off this. After some time I sit up and get out of bed unplugging my phone from next to me. I leave the bedroom deciding to go get myself some breakfast. I sit down and eat my toast while scrolling through all my gmails. I'm cleaning my plate when my phone starts ringing. I go over to the table where my phone sits looking too see who its from. I read the caller ID and notice that its Alannah. I immediately answer...

H: hay what's up?

A: hay I was just calling you too let you know that my plane comes in at 4pm so you know when to come and pick me up

H: Cool! I'll be there when you get out

A: Thanks I'll just warn you that there will be a lot of people around trying to get pictures so try to park directly in front of the entrance

H: of course you little famous actress

A: Yeah, yeah, whatever I just hope its not as crazy at the airport as it was last time

H: I doubt it considering who I am there'll probably be pictures of us together everywhere

A: unfortunately your most likely right

H: I'll see you later all right

A: See you later, I hope that Tess is as big of a fan as you make her out to me

H: If anything I'm under selling how much she loves you

A: okay, I trust you

H: Love you

A: Love you bye

H: Bye

I then hang up the phone smiling to myself. Its only nine am currently so I decide to make her some breakfast. I make a glass of orange juice some toast and then some fruit with some greek yoghurt. It's not a lot but I know Tess with appreciate it. It's the thought that counts. I o back into the bedroom and see that Tessa has woken up. "Morning love," I say smiling at her and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Morning," She yans still very tired. I place the tray of food on her lap and her expression is priceless. She stares at the food then at me with a huge smile on her face. "Thankyou for this baby!" She shrieks digging into her food. "I'd do anything for my pregnant girlfriend," I say meaning every word off it. "Her smile some how gets even wider as I talk and I have to stop from saying anything else because that grin looks painful and the last thing I want is my baby in pain.

"Who were you talking too?" She questions now she's finished with her breakfast and just drinking her orange juice. "Just someone at work. They want me to write another book." I half lie. It is true though they have been practically telling me to write another book. "Are you going to?" She quizzes curious. "Im not sure yet?" I answer honestly. "Whatever you decide I'll support you on. She replies. I lean down giving her another kiss of gratitude. She then gets out of bed and goes for a shower and then gets ready. The day goes quickly which I'm thankful for. After Tess got ready she left to go and meet one of the brides she's planning a wedding for which she didn't seem very happy for. Aparantly the bride is a bitch and loves to shout at Tess whenever something isn't precisely how she'd imagined it in her head. I look at the time and see that it is half three meaning that I need to start going to the airport. it should take about an hour to get their meaning I should be their by the time she's got through security. I put on some music as I drive thinking about what I'm going to say.

I arrive at the airport and park at the front of the airport waiting for her to come out. She guessed right though their are tons of poparatzi's. Every where! The press she gets is unbelievable. I don't know how she copes with it. I find it bad enough having two people follow me every where I go. I don't know how she deals with his many. But then I see her leaving and I forget about everyone else. I jump out of the car and run over to her as she runs over to me giving me a huge hug. "I've missed you so much!" I cry as we pull away. I new that I'd get emotional seeing her again after this long but I didn't expect it to be anything like this. "I missed you Hardin," she cries back. Everyone around us is snapping loads of photos yet it doesn't bother me. "These photo's are going to every where tomorrow. I'm sorry," she groans " Yep it is but its fine, I'm just happy to see you again!" I agree as we get into the car and head back home. I start playing some Eminem and we begin singing to it knowing all the lyrics.

Tessa, Hardin and a babyWhere stories live. Discover now