⭬ Chapter II

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༺ T H E C E R E M O N Y ༻

༺ T H E  C E R E M O N Y ༻

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The Commodore's ceremony was quite the spectacle. Every family of prestigious standing seemed to be there. They all wore their best and mingled while waiting for the proceedings to commence. It overwhelmed Clara, she hadn't a clue as to what she should be doing - she was a maid, not a lady. However, such a spectacle did not stop her, and, instead, she forced herself to have a good time, after all, it was rare for such an occasion to happen.

Clara stood next to her friend, watching as the sailors filed in rows. Just behind them, an older lady was talking to someone about the latest gossip. Clara reeled in the temptation to turn about and tell the woman off for being rude but she knew it was not her place.

The blonde felt an arm wrap around hers and she glanced at Elizabeth. She was pale, swaying back and forth as she fanned herself. The sun was becoming hotter by the minute and the heavy material of their dresses weighed them down. Clara saw Elizabeth struggle for air, she untangled their arms and wrapped one around her friend's waist, the other gripping her empty hand.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?"

The girl shook her head. "Nothing, just the heat, tis all."

Clara did not fully believe what she said, but she let it go as everyone was now hushed and watching the ceremony. The drums beat louder, keeping a steady rhythm, as the infantry took their places with practised precision. They rose their muskets high in solute as Norrington came from around a bend in the fort.

His steps were short and pinpoint, his back stiff and his gaze unwavering. The new blue uniform that was tailored to him was orderly, just how he liked everything to be. Norrington's firm line of sight quivered ever the slightest when he noticed Elizabeth and Clara.

The girls were clutching each other, Elizabeth looking ill. He almost paused in his steps but Clara waved to him and mouthed a 'hello'. He continued on, subtly smirking at her. It was an act only she knew of, as it was always difficult to tell when he was smiling.

Clara grinned to herself, ducking her head so no one else saw. When she looked back up again, Norrington had reached Governor Swann and had taken Will's newly crafted sword from its sheath. He flourished it with ease, showing his skill with an expert hand. The Commodore finally accepted the gift with a twirl, tying the scabbard to his belt. Light applause filled the open space as the Governor and Commodore bowed to the other than to the crowd.

Clara glanced toward the sun. She was becoming to feel how Elizabeth looked. She wished she had a fan as well, but her hand would have to suffice. Elizabeth was barely getting air, discreetly adjusting the stays beneath her dress. Clara knew the humid air was not helping their case and decided to fix her friend's stays once they were released.

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