⭬ Chapter XVIII

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The men were cheering in victory, the cursed pirates had been defeated. However, there was one man who was not. James Norrington's mood was brought down lower than ever before when the Governor came up to him, informing him of his daughter and Clara's escape. He waited patiently for them to come back, but his mind tended to wonder. What if the pirates took her again or she ran off with Sparrow?

He was brought out of his harmful thoughts by one of his men. "Commodore! They're back!" They ran to the edge, peering into the water. A rowboat was bobbing alongside the Dauntless, with six people in it, two of whom he did not recognize. But there she was, Clara.

The moment she was back on the ship she jumped on James. He stumbled back in shock but was able to steady them. "You're alright!"

"Yes, I'm alright, love." He pulled back, examining her face. "Did they do anything to you, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, James, really."

A shout made them spring apart. Behind them they found Archer and Catalina forced to the ground on their knees, Norrington's men around them, their hands in manacles.

"We found these two along with Sparrow. Pirates we presume, sir," said one of the men.

Clara stepped in front of James, her hands placed on his chest to keep him at bay. "Commodore, they aren't pirates. They just happened to be in the crossfire, they have done nothing wrong," she lied.

"You know damn well that is not the case, pumpkin," Archer said.

She ignored her brother, continuing to plead. "Please, James, can't you see?"

He tilted his head. See what?

"It's Archer. He's my brother - alive."

Archer was alive? That was the one thing out of all of this madness he couldn't believe but the look in her eye told him otherwise. James studied the man. He had the same hair colour, eyes, nose, and everything that reminded him of Clara shown through him. He had once known this man and had risen in ranks together in the navy with him, he was there when Clara grieved for Archer's death, and in his own time, so did he.

He glanced over at the Governor, making sure he was, in fact, letting an innocent man go. With the Governor's nod of approval, he ordered for him to be released.

Clara cried out in happiness, hugging her brother for the first time in God knows how long.

Breaking away, Archer slowly walked to him, rubbing his wrists where the manacles had bit into his skin. "You know, for a second I thought I was about to be sent to Jones' Locker for real this time."

James let out a laugh through a sigh and smiled. In front of all his men. He truly smiled with pure joy. He took hold of Archer's hand, grasping it firmly. "Welcome back, Mr Garner."

"Mr? I think we've been past formalities for years now, Commodore," he glanced around the ship. "I don't suppose there's room in your ranks somewhere?"

"I'm sure I can work out something. We'll be needing a new lieutenant."

"This is all very nice," interrupted Jack. He took a step forward. "But can we let Catalina go now?"

"Jack, shut up," Cata snapped. "There will be no need to let me go, Commodore. I admit, I am a pirate and a proud one at that." She looked at Jack, his eyes wide in fear and something else she could not place. "I will pay for my crimes."

Norrington stared at the girl in shock. She was not much older than him and yet spoke with an air of wisdom far beyond anyone else on that ship. He wished to let her go free, but everyone on that ship knew who she was, and to pardon her would put his job - as well as his own life - in jeopardy.

Turning to go to his cabin, his heart heavy as Clara stared at the deck, he told his men to lock them away.


The dark rhythm of the drums was enough to put the most joyous man at ease. The sound echoed through heart and bone, the only noise to be made as the crowd watched the pirates look at them solemnly. The woman stared at the wooden platform beneath her, shielding her eyes from the noose that hung before her, and wishing to be anywhere else - even that dreaded jail cell - than here. 

The man, the infamous Jack Sparrow, stood next to her. He had been caught, and by the looks of it, he wouldn't be escaping this time. He glanced at Catalina, sorrow in his gaze, he never wished this on her. He'd rather have her be the one who put him there, safe from harm, than be dead because of him.

Her hand shook and he wanted to hold her hand desperately but he could not due to the rope around his wrist. It finally dawned on him, that for the first time maybe ever, he, Jack Sparrow, cared for another person more deeply than himself. He cursed himself that it took him dying to understand that. 

Jack glanced to a dark entrance where the Swanns, Garners, and Norrington stood. The girls would not look at them, but the Governor and Commodore watched with pity blatantly in their expressions. The young lady he had come to adore stood by her betrothed and brother, shining in the sun. She did not even look like the girl he met back in his cell, her hair done up in ringlets and an expensive blue dress that fitted her form, was a major contrast to the clothes she once wore as a maid. He would miss Clara, she was a wonderful, bright young woman and he had no doubt that she would become something astonishing, even if she did love that blasted Commodore. 

The official opened a scroll and started to read from it. "Catalina Montero, you have been charged, tried, and convicted for your willful commission of crimes against the crown cited herewith: Piracy, Witchcraft-"

"Witchcraft?!" Catalina's fear and anger burst out of her in one swift moment. "Listen here, you twittering, shameful, bastard son of a devil!" she stepped forward, coming to the edge of the gallows. "You lot are awful, absolute culos!"

"Um, Cata, I wouldn't-"

But she could not hear Jack over her own yells and curses, most of which were in Spanish. The crowd gasped, a few mothers covering their children's ears, as far as they were concerned she was a witch and the foreign language she spoke was a hex. 

Two guards came up the gallows, one held her as the other tied a cloth around her mouth, gagging her but she continued to speak, though it came out as muffled screams. tears now fell down her face and a few took pity. Jack's stomach twisted more violently this time. Cata was right - devils, they were.

The official moved on to a new paper. "Jack Sparrow, you have been charged-"

"Captain," he muttered. "Captain Jack Sparrow."


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