⭬ Chapter XII

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The two women had some trouble swimming as their petticoats kept getting wrapped around their legs. Clara had to hang onto Will as she had never truly learned the art of swimming. But they somehow managed and made it back to the Interceptor. Elizabeth climbed up first, followed by Clara then Will. Clara bumped into Elizabeth's back as the girl abruptly stopped.

"Not more pirates," she said.

"Welcome aboard, Miss Elizabeth," Gibbs said, stepping out from the crowd.

"Mr Gibbs?"

"Hey, boy, where be Jack?"

"Jack? Jack Sparrow?"

"He fell behind," was all Will said. He took Elizabeth by the arm and lead her through the crowd. "Catalina, I need your assistance," he muttered as he passed her.

Glancing at her sister in confusion, she followed him, not putting up a fight.

The look on Gibbs's face struck Clara like an arrow through the heart. She should tell him what truly happened but to betray Will was beyond her character.

Taking a breath, Gibbs turned to the crew. "Keep to the Code."

"Weigh anchor!" Anamaria yelled. "Hoist the sails! Split-quick, you dibbies!"

Reflex kicked in and the crew dispersed.

Back in the Cabin the three were, and Catalina felt the wave of déjà vu as she dabbed a cloth on the cut on Elizabeth's hand. The girl hissed and roughly pulled back.

"Apologies, dear girl."

Elizabeth's shoulder relax and she gave her hand back to the woman. "Catalina is your name?" she asked, making conversation to take her mind off the sting.


"Where are you from?" Despite it being hard to make real progress in their conversation, Elizabeth continued asking about things - the woman's voice was soothing, like a melody to a lullaby.

Catalina looked up at her. "Everywhere." She went back to work, only to be interrupted again by her sister yelling for her. With apologetic eyes, Cata looked at the girl and then to Will who sat quietly nearby.

"Go, I can finish for you," said Will.

Smiling, she nodded her thanks and left, the cabin was brighter for a moment before it became dark once more.

"What sort of a man trades a man's life for a ship?" Elizabeth bit as she grabbed a piece of cloth to wrap around her hand.

"Pirates." She was struggling. "Here. Let me."

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