⭬ Chapter IV

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༺ T H E B L A C K S M I T H ༻

༺ T H E  B L A C K S M I T H ༻

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Clara followed closely behind Norrington's soldiers, ducking whenever it was necessary - she didn't need to be caught and she didn't need Norrington to find out. A group of soldiers ran under a small bridge near the venture of town. She walked along the edge of the tunnel, keeping a hand on the smooth stone for balance. Scrapping sounded and a figure came out of hiding behind a large statue in the wall. She ducked into a small alcove, still having a clear view of the street ahead.

It was Jack and he was holding his sword, however, he was still clad in irons. He peaked about before shuttling off into the blacksmith's workshop.

Clara's brow rose as she watched him disappear. She bit the inside of her lip, thinking about what to do next. Should she confront Jack herself? It would be unwise, he was much stronger than her and knew how to fight. She'd have to grab Norrington or Gilette.

Grabbing her skirts, she quietly snuck passed the shop and went down the street. She was now running, looking to and fro, searching out the Commodore. When she was four or five blocks from the shop, she decided to wait for him. There was no point in trying to get proper help when the danger could escape.

She rounded a corner, heading back when she ran into a tall but sturdy figure. Strong hands grabbed her arms in a familiar fashion, keeping Clara from tumbling. She looked up finding Norrington and his troops.


"Commodore! You must come quick, Sparrow is in the blacksmith's shop!"

James nodded and signed for Gilette to take the lead. The troops filed back the way they came, not waiting for their commander. James' hands dropped but found a new place to rest. He took Clara's hand and walked her to the smithy.

The door was sealed shut but that did not stop the men from getting in. After much slamming and lock-picking, the doors flew open and the soldiers pooled in. They split down the middle, allowing Norrington and Clara to walk right down to the pirate who lay unconscious on the straw and dust-covered floor.

Above the pirate stood Will, covered in dirt. Clara looked at him in question and he shook his head, telling her to not ask. He gave her a similar look, noticing that she was still dripping wet, and she responded in the same manner he did.

"Excellent work, Mr Brown," said Norrington to the drunk shop owner. "You've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive."

"Just doing my civic duty, sir."

"Well, I trust that you will always remember this as the day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him away."

Clara failed at hiding the smirk that was brought on by James' sarcastic remark. She glanced back at Will, deeming it a good time to explain her situation. "Fell in the bay, right over the side of the fort during Commodore's ceremony."

"I know that pirate threatened you - word travels fast."

"Miss Garner," said Norrington. He was at the door, waiting for her to leave, knowing he could not go without her. He didn't know what other troubles she would get into.

"I will be right there," she wheeled back to Will. "I'll see you later. Be safe."

"Good day, Miss Clara."

Norrington gave her his arm and she took it, giving Will one last glance before the door shut. Her friend led her threw a few streets that paved the way back to the Governor's mansion. As they travelled over a footbridge, Norrington suddenly stopped short.

The young woman rotated so she was face to-face with him. "Commodore?"

"What were you doing out here?" questioned James, the grip he had on Clara's arms tightened. "I thought you were at home."

"I followed you. I ran from the Governor and Elizabeth so that I could help you."

Norrington's brows furled together. "You could have gotten hurt. Did you not think that Sparrow would try to use you against me again?"

"But I'm fine, Commodore. I had found Sparrow and led you to him. Without me, who knows where that pirate would have gone."

"You deliberately put yourself in danger-"

Clara pushed him away. "And you didn't?! Guess you know how I feel every time you get on that damn ship of yours. You are constantly fighting wars or pirates, never once batting an eye. Have you ever thought about how I would feel, how it would affect me if you never came home?!"

The anger in his eyes dissipated until all that was present was heartbreak. "Every day. It was the reason why I kept you at arm's length, and hid my feelings for you - until it became unbearable to deal with." James took a tentative step forward, wrapping an arm around Clara's waist and bringing her to his chest. "I meant what I said earlier today, Clara, every word. I'd love to be your husband."

"Thank you for your honesty." Clara glanced about, seeing if there was anyone around. When the coast was clear, she leaned up on her toes and whispered in his ear. "And I accept your proposal, Commodore."

James turned, his nose brushing against her cheek. "We are alone, are we not, dear Clara? 'Commodore' is much too formal."

Clara leaned back, her arms now wrapped around his neck. "Alright, 'Norrington' it is then."

"You hurt me, Miss Garner."

"Apologies . . . James."

From his coat pocket, James pulled out a small box. He opened it, showing Clara a beautiful blue jewel on a silver band.

"Oh, James . . ."

"It's Topaz, I saw it and immediately thought of you and how it would contrast with your hair and eyes. Do you like it?"

"I love it. I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything at all, your smile is enough."

Once again, she leaned forward but this time James met her halfway. In reality, Clara had never kissed anyone before - unless you counted whatever Jack Sparrow had done earlier. But she preferred the smoothness of James than the scruffiness of the pirate wholeheartedly. Every ounce of love and passion was poured into the kiss by James, and it surprised her. Clara hadn't expected a fire to be lit in the pit of her stomach as his hand left her face and traced the side of her body, finding its spot back on her waist. His thumb traced circles, sending a chill through her spine.

After a few minutes, they broke apart for air, placing their foreheads together. Clara smiled and laughed, playing with the lapel of James' coat. "I didn't get a chance to tell you how dashing you looked today."

"And you were the most beautiful woman at the ceremony," he complimented, lips brushing against hers.

"Oh, stop it." Clara untangled herself from him, taking his hand in hers and collecting her skirts. "Come on, let's go home."


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