⭬ Chapter IX

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༺ T H E C R E W ༻


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"Are you alright?" Will asked for the hundredth time that evening as they made their way back to the boat. There was no way in hell they were going to stay at an inn in Tortuga. Jack was out gallivanting about town, most definitely in someone's bed by now. The two did not care, they were too tired to.

"Again, Will, I am. I'd be more worried for yourself with the way that woman was with you."

"I haven't a clue how I managed to get out of that situation."

"Neither do I, I was expecting a brawl when that man laid eyes on you."

Will paused, allowing Clara to go first along the gangplank. "I would have fought him without hesitation."

The young woman stopped, turning around. "I know you would have, that's why I'm glad did not."

He took a step, reaching her easily with his long stride, and placed a hand on her cheek. "You worry too much."

Clara fought off the urge to roll her eyes. "Says you."

"Alright, so both of us may become fixated on things-" The look she gave him spoke a thousand words. "Some more than others . . . I'm just digging myself into a hole, aren't I?"


Huffing out a laugh, Will stepped back. "Well, I'm glad you are alright. But we must get through the rest of tonight."

Continuing, the two reached the Captain's Quarters. Jack, ever so being a gentleman, had given the space to her. "I hate this place."

"As do I."

"You'll make sure Jack gets back in one piece?"

"Of course."

Clara smiled. "Thank you. Good night, Will."

The blacksmith placed both hands on the side of her head, bringing her forth and kissing her hairline. "Good night, Clara, sleep well." Once the cabin's door shut, Will sighed heavily, hanging his head. Clara was too good to him - too good to everyone- to be in such a situation. Yet, without her, he would be lost. Sitting on a crate, that overlooked the town, Will prayed for the first time in years. So many things could go wrong and he had too many people to lose.


Morning came and with it a group of men that Gibbs had found, all sailors looking for a way off the island. The older pirate led the three down the line, Jack carefully studying their faces. They were all scruffy, unshaven, and dirty - not that had surprised any of them.

"Feast your eyes, Captain," said Mr Gibbs. "All of them, faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot."

"So this is your able-bodied crew?" Will questioned, clearly unsure of their capability. As far as he was concerned, Clara alone was twice the better man - and she was a woman.

Jack paused at an older man, a blue parrot sat on his shoulder. "You, sailor!"

"Cotton, sir," Gibbs told him.

"Mr Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death? Mr Cotton! Answer me."

"He's a mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out." Cotton showed Jack to which he grimaced, and Clara did the same while Will looked on in curiosity. Gibbs continued. "So he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one's yet figured out how."

Jack was about to continue on but figured he'd try again. "Mr Cotton-'s parrot, same question."

"Wind in your sails! Wind in your sail!" said the bird.

"Mostly, we figure that means 'yes'."

"Of course it does." Jack turned to Will. "Satisfied?"

The boy then looked to Clara, who shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "Well, you've proved they're mad."

"And what's the benefit for us?" shouted one of the men but the voice was not deep enough to be.

Creeping down the line, Jack found the one who had spoken. Their face was covered by large hats and cast downward. They were cleaner than the rest and shaven. Gesturing to Will to come forth, he took the person's hat in hand, taking it off to find a woman before him, hair tumbling down her back. "Anamaria!"

Without hesitation, she smacked him.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one, either," Will said to him, a smirk on his face.

"No, that one I deserved."

Anamaria nodded at Will. "You stole my boat!"


She smacked him again, not wanting an excuse.

"Borrowed. Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back to you."

The person next to Anamaria - equally clean and shaven- glanced at her, face still covered. It was clear they knew each other. "But you didn't!" said the person.

Jack pulled back. It was another female voice. Taking off her hat, Jack saw that the woman had the same angry look as Anamaria. He let out a small scream of shock. They looked very similar. "Why are there two of them?!" he grimaced.

The woman smacked him on the other cheek, making his face turn to Gibbs. "You are a liar and a thief!"


She raised her hand, going to hit him, but Jack ducked in time. "You stole my sister's boat! It was our livelihood, Sparrow!"

"S-sister?" No wonder the two looked so similar.

The woman glared, biting her cheek. It took a lot to scare Jack, and Jack was terrified. One angry woman he could deal with, but two? "We want our boat back," she snapped.

"Yes, you'll get another one."

Anamaria shoved a finger in his face, threatening him. "I will."

"A better one," Will interjected.

"A better one!" Jack agreed.

Will pointed to the Interceptor with a smile. "That one!"

"What one?"

Will nudged his head in the ship's direction and everyone glanced over.

"That one?" snapped Jack. Will nodded curtly. The pirate turned back to the sisters. "Aye! That one! What say you?"

Anamaria looked down at her sister, who nodded in satisfaction. "Aye!" The rest of the men echoed their response with the same vigour and turned to go to the ship. Walking away, still upset, the sisters ripped their hats out of Jack's grip.

"No, no," said Gibbs once they were out of earshot. "It's frightful bad luck to bring women aboard, sir."

"It'll be far worse not to have them." Jack wrapped his arm around Clara's shoulders. "Besides, if such a thing is true, how did we get all the way here with this lovely thing?" Clara blushed as Jack took her hand and led her away into the crowd of sailors.


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