Chapter 5

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UPDATE!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated and it made me feel really bad that I didn't :( But I promise I will now.

Since I left Ariana's story a cliff hanger I figured that I'd give her an extra chapter so read on...



*Ariana's POV*- When I woke up the next morning I couldn't help but smile at though the thought of Ethan. He's cute, he's nice, and he's an amazing kisser. I tossed back my blankets and walked downstairs to see my parents sitting on the couch not looking very happy. They're still on what happened last night?

  My dad looked up at me,"Ari, we don't want you seeing that Ethan boy ever again. From now on you can't talk to him, text him, tweet him--nothing." Ouch.

  "One, why are you blaming everything on him," I asked. "Everything I did last night was all my decision. He had nothing to do with it. Two, I'm going to date him whether you like it or not. Three,  who the hell do you think you are? You've been gone for how long and now you're gonna come back and try to me what to do. I don't know how it works in your mind, but it mine it's not happening."

  ''You aren't dating him and that's final,"my mom snapped at me.

  "We'll see about that." I walked back up the stairs beyond pissed off. They can't tell me who I can and can't date. I said to myself, "We'll definitely see.''


  At the group rehearsal for our concert in three days I told the girls what happened and they were absolutely stunned, trying to take everything in. Jessica smirked, "I can't believe you went all bad ass."

  "Can we please focus on the main point," Darcy asked. "I think you should totally date him. As for your attitude, I'd bring that down twelve notches.''

  ''You're the one to talk,'' Joanna said. ''Didn't you cuss Harry out as soon as you saw in person? You can't even talk to the man without flipping out on him. He says "hi'' and you tell him to go to hell.''

  "Like you don't say that to Louis,''Darcy snapped.

  "Can we get back to rehearsal please,''Amanda asked. ''I'm really not in the mood to see these two argue like do every other ten minutes.'' 

  We spent about an hour harmonizing before phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Ethan saying:

  'I had a lot of fun last night. We should definitely do again some time :)


  I began to the right thing by telling him I was grounded but something else came to mind. What better way to get my parents and Ethan together than listening to some music. Smiling, I texted him back...


  Looking in the mirror observing my outfit for the concert I smiled with satisfaction. The girls and I had our hair in waves deciding to wear a white dress, spidernets, and black combat boots, with different color jackets. Darcy had pink, Joanna had purple, Amanda had blue, Jessica had a light purple one, and I had a light pink. 

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