Shuhua backed off as a small group of zombies started to pour in. She poked her small knife forward, stabbing a zombie in his smokey gray eye. The blood trickled from his face as Shuhua tried hard not to scream. Miyeon–unlike her usual personality–charged forward with her curved dagger, hooking the dagger into the man's head. The man snarled loudly, but dropped in a lifeless heap, if he wasn't dead already.
"There's no more. These are the only ones." Yuqi corrected, an infected woman was advancing on her. Yuqi tried to scream, but couldn't find her voice. The woman grabbed her hand and snarled, blood-covered saliva was spat on Yuqi's face. Before the woman could bite, her head was divided by a blade. Its tip dripped drops of blood.
"You're welcome," Soyeon chuckled, she twisted the blade over her head and back down. Directing the thrust on another zombie. It slumped forward. The small horde pooled the floor with a large puddle of blood. Soojin forcibly kicked each of the dead bodies out. She dusted her palms.
"I'd say, that's it." Soojin chuckled, wiping her bloody palms on her black sweats.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" Shuhua grabbed Soojin's palms and squinted at the slits. She sighed in relief when she saw no cuts. Soojin roughly yanked her hands away from Shuhua's grasp.
"I'm fine. We need to secure this place. Maybe one of those fences with the electric, can you do that, nerdy girl?" Soojin raised an eyebrow at Yuqi.
"What do you mean?" Yuqi stammered, "We're literally in the middle of nowhere, the electricity is probably out!" She clutched her head and slumped into the surprising-clean couch. Yuqi was about to close her eyes but was cut off by a loud crash, the sound of metal being slammed against a wall. She looked up and saw that the others were wincing at the loud eruption.
"Aish, seriously?" Yuqi murmured under her breath, her voice leaking with complaint.
"Tell me, who are you and why are you here?" The voice was eerie, but yet...feminine. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" The door clattered from its frame. A silhouette moved closer, aiming her blade at the nearest hostage, Shuhua. The figure turned back, revealing a girl. She was tall, much taller than anyone in the hut. Soojin growled.
"We killed all of those zombies, what do you want?" The girl stalked over, her height much taller than Soojin. But it didn't stop her from moving toward the girl. She held the blade and pointed its tip into the throat of the girl.
"You stole my home." The girl snarled. "This is MY HOME!" Miyeon twisted her head, flinching at the familiar voice. Where did I hear that from...The girl was wearing a white sweater with tattered, ripped jeans. Her sweater was already stained black with blood. That hair...Miyeon stood up and grabbed some of the girl's hair. The black hair with tan highlights.
"Oh..I'm sorry." Miyeon mumbled, she looked apologetically at the girl's face. "Wait a minute...aren't you that transfer student?" She looked at the girl's face.
"Shut up," The girl snarled, denying the accusation. Her heart was pounding fast, the adrenaline from these strangers. Innocent in appearance, yet, they stole her only home. "You, Cho Miyeon?" She glared at Miyeon, straight in the eye. The latter flinched from the stare, breaking eye contact.
"I'd say, shouldn't you fix the door?" Yuqi suggested, looking around for zombies.
♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪
"Made yourselves comfy here, huh?" The girl stalked, glaring at Yuqi and Soyeon. Their bodies peacefully resting on the couch. The floor reeked of zombie blood, the smell started to disperse in the air. The tall girl slammed the door, locking it.
"Whatever," Soyeon stood up, returning the scowl. Although their heights were a huge difference, it did not intimidate Soyeon one bit. She tightened her grip on the machete.
"No need to attack," the girl chuckled, "Nicha Yontararak. You can call me Minnie. I know my name is complicated." Minnie nodded, adjusting her sweater. She smoothed the wrinkles on her blue jeans. Minnie shoved Yuqi's legs out of the way, taking a seat.
"Hey!" Yuqi whined, pouting. She puffed her cheeks but remembered the pinches she gave away when someone pouted. Yuqi quickly sucked all the air out of her cheeks and peeked at Shuhua. "This is your home?" Minnie nodded.
"Want me to explain?" She suggested.

The Infected ⬩ (G)I-DLE
HorrorThe world was normal. Song Yuqi, a sophomore, studied at Neverland Institute of Arts with her best friend Yeh Shuhua, a freshman. Being top at school, Yuqi dreamed of many things. Nothing lasts forever. ⬩⬩⬩ Angry rioters appeared. Cannibalistic riot...