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"Shuhua!" Soojin called, she placed a hand above her eyes to block the sunlight. In the distance, there were marching silhouettes. The obvious twisted bodies, the shadow of the dead. "We have to get moving." She insisted, looking at Yuqi and Soyeon for a response. Then, she glanced at Minnie. Minnie made eye contact with Soojin, her eyes pleading for rest. The irritating groaning became louder, more closer. The distance was closing.

"WE HAVE TO GO!" Shuhua panicked, her eyes growing more red. Her breathing was frantic. Picking up their supplies, Soyeon took the lead as they started to sprint away from the incoming horde.

"C'mon, why are you so heavy, Miyeon?" Minnie complained, trying to cheer up the spirit. The hard bread gave her very little energy, at least it was going to last a while. "They'll catch up if Miyeon doesn't run," Minnie placed Miyeon down. "You can run, right?" Miyeon nodded weakly in response.

"Go, go, go!" Yuqi ushered, pushing everyone in front of her. The zombies were catching up fast, or they weren't...More was appearing out of nowhere. Soojin pulled out her machete and started to swing at the heads. Blood started to spray around the surroundings as it did to her face. Soyeon was no different, despite the difference in height. She swung the blade with passion, for someone fighting for their life.

"Help," Shuhua whispered, wagging her dull blade at the greedy zombies. They clawed for her flesh, but Shuhua kept on backing up. "Yuqi-unni–" The sound of Shuhua's scream filled the air. The high-pitched screaming stopped abruptly.

"I got you," Soojin grunted, pushing past the grasping hands and puncturing the blade through each of them. The horde was growing, how many even are there? Soojin glared at the increasingly infected. The puddles of blood started to smell irony, yet rotten. "ARGH!" Soojin screamed, wincing in pain. She bit her lip while looking down. A zombie, freshly bitten into her wrist. Flesh started to reveal as Soojin kicked the zombie and stabbed him. The man groaned and laid back to the dead. Her wrist throbbed, her blood was trickling down.

"SOOJIN-UNNIE!" Soyeon yelled, she ran over and dragged Soojin away from the horde. Soojin's vision started to blur fast, her arm started to bleed dark blood. The color of the dead...Soyeon breathed in a long breath, "Live long enough to forgive me.." She raised her blade and slammed it down.

♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪ – ♪

Shuhua gasped as she helped Yuqi deal with the zombies coming towards them. Some weren't even limping on their legs. Crawling, drooling bloody saliva. She winced from the horror, still thrusting the knife forward to help. Yuqi screamed as she ran around the zombies, trying to dodge the bites.

"Seriously?" Yuqi panted, "What is wrong with humanity?" She screamed in between breaths, her breathing was very rushed and uneven. "Get a life!" Yuqi started to spear the knife into the heads of the crippled zombies.

"Argh!" Minnie snarled back at the zombies, her eyes glaring at the gray complexion of the zombies. "Don't even touch me and Miyeon," she added, quickly. Proceeding to deal with the horde, Minnie started to run out of energy and slowed her thrusting. Her machete was quickly turning red, the handle dripped from the blood. Minnie wiped her palms on her dry shirt. She quickly breathed in and out, running past all the remaining zombies with her sword slicing. The clean cut, Minnie smirked, had cut through the line of zombies.

"I think that's all," Shuhua squeaked, eyeing the dead corpses. "So...where's Miyeon-unnie..?" She looked around the piles of zombies. Kicking a head out of the way, the blood spilled. Shuhua grimaced at the dark crimson substance. Shuhua winced as she softly patted Soojin's back in comfort.

"We..." Yuqi frowned in disgust, "we need fire. Sear the wounds." She looked at Soyeon, this girl. Psychopath. Yuqi shuddered in fear. She dug into her pocket for the spare supplies, dropping a wrap of bandage and a box of matches. "Shuhua-yah, please get me some weed or something to burn." Shuhua reluctantly nodded and gathered small greens.

"Alright, now what?" Soyeon murmured as she snatched the match and ignited a small fire.

"Give me your..eum...hand, Soojin-unnie." Yuqi coughed, feeling embarrassed of the situation. Soojin took off her bandage and handed the remains of her arm to Yuqi. Yuqi grasped the arm, finching at the warm substance. It was sticky, but warm. She started to roast Soojin's arm like a barbeque. Soojin tried hard not to scream as Yuqi looked like she was having much fun roasting her arm.

"Hey, I'm hurting you know," Soojin glowered at Yuqi.

"I-I'm done." Yuqi chuckled slightly, the smell of burnt meat permeating the air.

"Guess I'm done." Yuqi nervously moved backwards and away from Soojin. "I think she's going to kill me." She whispered to Shuhua, twisting her fingers anxiously. But Shuhua was not her.

"Soojin-unnie, are you okay? Are you feeling lots of pain?" Shuhua looked at the burnt meat with worry. The bone–marrow–was stained with the blood, the flesh hardened.

"I've felt worse," Soojin closed her eyes, squeezing away the piercing pain. She tightened her grip on the wrist. The pain was growing, then slowly easing away. Soojin relaxed her scrunched eyebrows. "Let's move before more comes."

"Yeah, let's go." Minnie agreed, she tilted her head around the scenery. Turning and turning. Her eyebrows twisted with confusion. Her lips filled with worry. "Guys..where's Miyeon?" Soyeon and Yuqi both sighed loudly in unison.

"Did she faint somewhere?" Shuhua questioned, turning to the older honey-haired girl. Looking around the piles of deceased zombies, their dark blood running. Nobody. Not a single sign. Soyeon sucked in a small breath, she crept around the zombies. A small rock.

"Guys.." Soyeon murmured, pointing toward the flat, gray rock. Its cracks smeared with warm blood. Fresh. "I think Miyeon..."

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