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"Come on, Sky... it's not a big deal..." Sky's boyfriend, Gun said while laughing as he watches his boyfriend squirming in discomfort. Sky was pale yet his eyes were full of hatred as he tried to free himself from Gun's clutches.

Sky was just 17 when he met Gun and he thought that they had something special until this exact moment. Sky thanked his instincts and not letting Rain tag along with him while he thought how to get out of this situation himself.

"P'Gun! Let me go! We are done.." Sky said angrily but older guy just laughed along with his friends and then signals one of his friends. The guy touched Sky's shoulder which startled Sky and he tried to move away.

"Don't play hard Sky, it's not a big deal" Gun spoke in amusement while Sky wasn't feeling the same and glared at the older guy harder.

Like any other day, Gun invited Sky to an illegal race. Sky, being a good boyfriend, came to support his boyfriend but he wasn't prepared for this. Gun had made a bet with his friends that if he lost the race, he would let them touch Sky.

When Gun told Sky about it, Sky was left speechless. He couldn't believe his ear and looked at Gun in confusion, Gun repeated himself while hugging Sky who quickly pushed him away and tried to leave. Gun stopped Sky and his friends surrounded them.

"You lost the bet so fucking let them fuck you instead! We are done! Move!" Sky shouted in anger but suddenly Gun slapped him instead.

Sky was stunned, he touched his cheek while looking at fuming Gun, Gun suddenly grabbed him by his hair and shouted in anger, "Don't anger me Sky, just do as I told you.."

"You!" Sky shouted in anger but froze when one of the guys touched his butt, he quickly pushed the guy away and then bite Gun's hand who let him go in pain. Sky pushed others away and ran, not bothered to see where he was going. All he knew was to get away from Gun and return back to home.

Sky didn't realise he was crying and started to panic when he saw Gun's friends chasing him, his mind went blank as all he could think was how to get out of here safely. Suddenly he collided with someone and the guy saved him from falling.

Sky's vision was blurry and he struggled to free himself in panic that it was Gun's men, "Let go! Let's go!" Sky shouted in panic as more tear escape while the guy tightened his hold on Sky

"Nong, are you okay? Are you hurt?" The guy asked in panic when he saw Sky crying and his cheek swollen, he tried to wipe the tear but Sky slapped his hand away in fear.

The guy noticed Sky panicking and tried to calm him down, "It's okay, you're safe... calm down, breathe..." Sky wipes his tears and looks at the guy who seems older than him. The guy was handsome and attractive but Sky's mind was occupied with thoughts of escaping from here.

"There he is!" Sky heard someone shout and Sky looked around in panic, he tried to escape but the older guy won't let him go

The other guys came closer and Sky was trembling in fear, the older handsome guy noticed Sky's condition and looked at other guys with stern looks. They all stopped and looks between Sky and the older guy in confusion

"P'Prapai, I thought you are busy racking" One of guy said in awkward tone but the guy named PraPai wasn't bothered and stares at instead Sky.

"Um, Phee can go back to tract, Sky is with us.." The other guy stepped closer to grab Sky who turned pale and clings to PraPai's arm which was still wrapped around his waist, "No! Please!"

PraPai realised that something was wrong here and frowned, Sky slowly shook his head while more tears flowed down his cheek. He didn't know whether the guy could be trusted but he was Sky's only hope.

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