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After the unforgettable encounter in the washroom, There was an awkward silence as everyone including Sky sat in the hall. Plerng and Phan tried to help Sky to dry his hair which wasn’t even wet. Meanwhile, Sky kept stealing glances at PraPai.

Sky felt PraPai looked familiar till his doubts were confirmed when he saw an angry look on PraPai’s face. PraPai was annoyed as he glared at his siblings, ignoring the younger boy who was staring at him. There was a hint of relief yet fear in Sky’s eyes as he watched PraPai.

“Stop you two and explain why the hell a boy was hiding in my washroom?!” PraPai asked, not able to control his annoyance 

“Not hiding!” Phan spoke as he looks at his older brother, “We were playing hide and seek and you ruined it!” Plerng complained as she pats Sky’s hair, “You traumatised our poor P’Sky..” 

PraPai shook his head in frustration as he knew his siblings wouldn't give him a straight answer and looked at Sky instead, “They are stupid but aren’t you mature enough to stop them?! You’re their tutor, how can you  waste their time on such trivial things?!” 

“I…I…” Sky became quiet, he was too shocked to speak. After recognising PraPai from the racing event years back, Sky had mixed emotions. The duo noticed Sky’s upset face and glared at their older brother 

“Phee already taught us, it’s our free time so we decided to play…” Phan explains everything but that didn’t calm PraPai and further upset PraPai seeing how his siblings kept defending their tutor.

“You’re not paid to entertain them! Don’t act childish with them, once the lesson is over you should leave!” PraPai scolded Sky who was startled by sudden harshness of older man’s voice 

“I’m sorry, I… I shall leave…” Sky quickly stood up, he was too tired to explain anything. PraPai was reminding him of things that he was trying so hard to forget plus PraPai’s change in personality compared to that night was further confusing him.

Sky grabbed his bag and wai PraPai before leaving the mansion, ignoring the calls of dou. Once Sky disappeared, the duo looked at PraPai and gave him disappointed look

“What?!” PraPai asked in confusion 

“That was very rude of you Phee! P’Sky is such a sweet guy and yet you burst on him like that!” Plerng said with disappointment 

“Yes! Why are you so cold?! Do you know how we are? You think that poor, harmless Phee stand chance against us?” Phan added, PraPai started to feel guilty when Plerng spoke again

“Mom won’t leave a random untrustworthy guy with us in her absence, if Phee decides to quit teaching us…. You are the reason for our failure in school…” 

The duo returned to their rooms, leaving PraPai all frustrated and guilty. PraPai leans over the couch and rubs his face in annoyance, he didn’t plan to come out so rude. He wondered if he hurt the poor kid's feelings but he knew it was too late to do anything.

                                    Meanwhile, Phayu took Rain to a fancy restaurant for lunch. The younger one looked around in curiosity when the waiter came and placed their order. Rain looked at the seafood in excitement before he started to pout.

“Not your liking?” Phayu asked in worry, Rain shook his head as he looks at fish and oysters while sulking 

Phayu served the rice and some curry before he started eating, Phayu noticed Rain struggling to remove fish’s bones. The younger one gave and sulked as he ate rice with curry.

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