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PraPai couldn’t stop thinking about Sky’s bold statement, he just finished all his documents and was absent minded. Sky’s confession and the soft kiss kept replying in his mind, he unconsciously touched his lips and smiles in amusement

“This is creepy but not as creepy as someone sending you a sunflower…” Nam said as she entered PraPai’s office with a single sunflower.

“Who sent this?” PraPai as he took the flower from Nam and admires it. Nam took the file and spoke, “Some kid, the receptionist said that he didn’t say anything and sweetly requested to give this to you. Apparently the boy was so sweet and polite that we decided to risk your safety”

“What the!” PraPai was about to curse but stopped when thinking about maybe it’s Sky. He didn’t have to think much as he received a sweet text from Sky which brought smile over his face,

Let Sky always follow the wind, like how Sunflowers always the Sun..’

Nam saw PraPai smile and questioned him, PraPai shook his head and told her to leave but then stopped her, “Let the boy in if he comes next time…”

                  “Who the hell are you?! Really?! Who are you and what did you do to Sky?!” Rain shouted as he looked at Sky in horror. His  brain still can't digest the fact that Sky went to PraPai’s office to send him a flower.

Sky glared at Rain sharply and walked faster, his ears were red but he refused to answer Rain. Rain found this new behaviour of Sky both amusing yet scary but he still supported his best friend.

“What next? A date? Movie? Maybe dinner?” Rain said thoughtfully which made Sky stop and turn around to glare at him, “Shut up, Rain! You’re so nosy!”

Rain burst into laughter which made Sky frown harder, “It’s fun to see you so madly in love yet so chill giving..”

“If dare to speak another word, I’m going to tell P’Phayu how you skip class to play game..” Sky threatened Rain who froze before shaking his head in panic, “No! No! You won’t!”

“Try me” Sky smiles in satisfaction on finally having blackmailing material.

Later at PraPai’s place, The duo noticed how Sky was in a good mood and couldn’t help but to smile. Phan noticed Sky looking at his phone in between and jokes, “Phee is being so cheerful and secretive, don’t tell me you find yourself lover!”

Sky froze in shock which both Plerng and Phan noticed and Plerng quickly spoke, “We are just joking, don’t get upset..”

Sky hesitated before he spoke, “What if it’s true… will you both dislike me?” Sky knew that both his students admire him. If he really ended up dating their older brother, Sky didn’t wish to have any hard feelings.

“What?! Phee! We would never dislike it! Sad but no way we won’t support you!” Plerng response which made Sky to pull them both in hug

The Duo hugs him back and Phan spoke, “We want P’Sky to be happy, though we might not accept your partner readily and fight for your attention till our last breath”

Sky chuckles on hearing Phan and Plerng nodded in agreement, “No going back without a war…”

“So who is it?” Phan asked curiosity, Sky blushes which both brother and sister found so cute. At the same moment, PraPai walked in. Sky stares at PraPai and then at dou with sad smile as he spoke, “Won’t tell the name yet, I’m still trying to win him but it seems like the person I like is a stubborn..”

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