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The next evening at Twin Garage, Saifah watches his twin in amusement as the older man tried to control his temper while their mom was on loudspeaker

"What's your problem in hiring another guy? The kid needs a job and you're getting an extra helping hand" Their mom which made them both roll their eyes

"Extra hand? I already got enough people, mom, I can't hire another" Phayu said straightforwardly, they heard their mom sighing and there was silence before she spoke, "The kid is helpless Phayu, struggling to balance his college and he badly needs your help. Rain is naive, he doesn't know what's good and what's bad. You're his only hope... I won't say anymore, just think about it"

The call ended and both brothers shared a look Saifah was first to speak, "Mom made it sound like he's an orphan...."

"She didn't say that!" Phayu said in annoyance as he knew Saifah was trying to get him into an emotional trap, Phayu doubted that his brother knew something that he didn't

"Well, mom said that he's struggling. I heard that he's in architecture, Ah! Old days when you were dead occupied with college work.... Maybe he's miserable, or else why would he want to work at a garage?" Saifah said calmly as he played with his phone.

Phayu becomes quiet and Saifah smirks before he continues, "Well, it's none of our business. How about you let him come here for an interview? Maybe seeing how hard a mechanic job is, he might give up on his own. Well, at least mom won't be upset that we directly said no.."

Phayu sighs and looks at Saifah for a while before groaning, "Fine, tell mom to send that kid over. We will decide to rest later.."

A week later, Sky smacked Plerng on the head when the younger tried to use his phone while hiding under his book. Sky gave the younger boy stern looks which made Phan chuckle and Plerng gave him a guilty smile, Plerng kept his phone away and started working over an assignment that Sky gave him.

Sky shook his head and started working over his homework too. Sky thought that teaching might take too much of his time but he felt like it was more of group studies with Plerng and Phan.

Half an hour later, both Phan and Plerng handed in their work and Sky evaluated it, "All correct Phan! You're so good!" Sky compliments Phan who gave Plerng a smug look

"What about me?!" Plerng asked, Sky looks at the test and then give him soft smile, "Better than previously, Plerng improved so much"

"Alright! This is enough for today! Revise everything that we learned today and if you have any doubts let's clear it tomorrow?" Sky told them as he put his stuff in his bag.

"Phee! Are you in a hurry?" Phan asked in curiosity and Sky looked towards the clock instead. Sky came at 10 am and it was 1 pm now, Sky shook his head No as he didn't have any other plans for today,

Rain told him that he was going for an interview for part-time and Sky had already finished all his assignments, he was planning to buy some new comics and read them enjoying the evening

"Then! Let's have lunch together!" Plerng excitedly suggested. Before Sky could say no, he was dragged to the dining room.

Sky was feeling uncomfortable as both the siblings kept putting food on Sky's plate even before he could finish everything. He sighs and finally decides to stop them, "Behave! If I need anything, I will ask!"

"Put Phee is so thin! We are trying to fatten you up!" Plerng complained which made Sky choke and he quickly drank water before looking towards Plerng who grins in return, "What?!"

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