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At Twin's house, It was 12 am when there was a knock on the door. Saifah looks through the monitor and was surprised to see Gin standing outside and he quickly opens the door

"Gin?" Saifah called the younger man who looked worriedly at Saifah from bottom to top before sighing in relief.

"Phee! You're fine," Gin whispered as he looks at Saifah who was confused by Gin's reaction

"Yes? What will happen to me?" Saifah asked as a joke but Gin didn't find it funny. He walked closer to Saifah and looked at him quietly for a while before taking a deep breath then looks back at Saifah, “I will go back, lock up and call me if you need anything…”

Gin turns around to leave but Saifah grabs his hand to stop him and Gin looks at Saifah in confusion. Saifah shook his head before he spoke, “Come in..”

Inside the house, Saifah handed Gin a glass of water and said, “When you went to Japan, I was worried that people would take advantage of you being so sweet and polite. I wished you would become mean but look! Still the same…”

Gin looked down feeling upset by Saifah’s words and whispered, “Phee told me long ago to always be good…”

Saifah groans before he sat next to Saifah and then leans his head over the younger’s shoulder, Gin silently stares at Saifah who stares at the space blankly and whispered, “Nong is still so good but I feel so selfish to wish that you be mean too…”

“Huh?” Gin looks at Saifah in confusion while Saifah closes his eyes and remains quiet.

                                  Morning came and Sky woke up at his usual waking time, he yawned and was about to grab his phone when he realised that he was being held by someone. Sky froze in both shock and fear before last night's event crossed his mind. He quickly turned around and found PraPai sleeping next to him.

Sky wasn’t sure how the older man ended up here but Sky didn’t mind it, he gently freed himself before getting out of the bed and then room to call Phayu to know about Rain’s condition.

Suddenly the phone was grabbed from his hand, Sky quickly turned around to look at Prapai who gave him gentle smile and spoke, “Freshen up and after breakfast, I will take you to hospital”

Sky nodded dumbly before grabbing the towel and walking towards the washroom. Inside the washroom, Sky was washing his face when he froze for a second as he remembered PraPai kissing his forehead. Sky slowly touched his forehead and turned red as he started to doubt if it was a dream or PraPai really kissed him.

He splashes water repeatedly but the redness of his face won’t go away. He groaned and covered his face feeling flustered, “Calm down, Sky! Phee didn’t mean anything! He was just trying to help you…”

Meanwhile at the hospital, the first thing on waking up Rain noticed was white surroundings and then Phayu sleeping over the stool next to his bed. The younger boy couldn’t help but to smile seeing their linked hand and squeezed Phayu’s hand.

“P’Phayu…. Rain is sorry for worrying you…” Rain whispered as he looks at older man. A few minutes passed, Phayu appeared to be waking up, Rain grin and pretended to be a sleep.

Phayu sighs as rubs Rain’s hair and then comb it with his free hand before looking at Rain intensely, “Don’t play with me, Little boy. I know you’re awake..”

Rain opens his eyes and smiles softly which made Phayu feel awake and much more relaxed since the incident. Phayu leaned and kissed Rain’s nose which made the younger pout, “I thought you will kiss somewhere else…”

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