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Hi guys, I'm back with a new book!!!! This one is a Taekook story, I would appreciate it if you'd click on the star button and leave some comments. That would make me very happy ☺️. I jhope you'll enjoy this book so thank you if you are giving it a chance!! Luv you<33

Jungkook just came home from his world tour and he couldn't be happier to sleep in his own bed again. Like, yeah, hotel mattresses are comfy but nothing is better than your own mattress. He loved the tour though, finally seeing his fans and performing in different countries. And of course when he didn't had a concert he could explore the country, eating their foods, meeting the people and discovering different cultures. But for now he was happy to be in Korea again.

He decided to get some coffee and something to eat before starting the day. He put some clothes on, brushed his hair, put on a pair of earrings and some rings on his fingers. He did not forget his cap and a face mask because he didn't wanted to be recognized by crazy fans. When he was ready to go, he stepped out his house and locked the door. Jungkook didn't had a very big house because he didn't liked all the remaining space he would have. Sinds he lived alone it would feel very lonely and he didn't liked that.

Jungkook decided to walk to his favorite cafe instead of taking his car because he could use some Korean fresh air. With his earphones in he felt free. No managers next to him to tell him what do to, no crazy fans trying to attack him, no looking down to the floor to not show his face, just himself, his music and the nature. He felt so free with those things. He let out a content sigh and hummed along with the song he was listening right now.

He walked in the cafe and smelled the delicious smell of coffee. When he was at the counter the worker/best friend greeted him.

"Sup Jungkook, done with the tour?" The worker had a warm smile on his face and was happy to see the younger male again after a long time.

"Hey hobi hyung, came back yesterday and I'm pretty exhausted. Can I get a Frappuccino with a croissant please?" He gave Hoseok a tired smile and the older nodded. "Coming right up. You can take place somewhere, I'll bring it to you." He wrote the order down and Jungkook thanked him and walked to a table while putting his face mask on again.

Two tables away sat a beautiful boy drawing something in a sketch book. His hair color was a little grayish while Jungkook had his normal brown hair. He had a pair of earrings in and a necklace on. Jungkook couldn't really see what kind of symbol it was on the necklace but it looked a little like a dreamcatcher. The boy sat at his table so that Jungkook could see his face, but sadly not his whole face because he was looking down at his sketchbook. He looked very concentrating at what he was drawing and Jungkook wondered what exactly he was making.

He also found himself really wanting to know what his voice would sound like and what his name was.

"Pretty view right?" Jungkook almost jumped out of his chair when he suddenly heard someone whisper something in his ear.

"Yah, Hoseok hyung, you can't just sneak on someone like that. You scared the hell out of me." He whisper-yelled but hard enough that the boy from two tables away looked up to see what was happening. Jungkook saw the whole face of the boy and turned slightly red, luckily his face mask covered that up. He was a little disappointed but also relieved that the boy looked away so soon.

"And you can't just stare at people like that Kook." He said with the same tone as Jungkook with a playful smirk. The younger slapped him on the arm with a light smile on his face.

"I bet you wanna know who that is huh?" He gave Jungkook his food at took place next him. "Yeah, I do." He sighed defeated. "Ha! I knew it." Hoseok clapped in his hands just like a kid who got what he wanted at the toy store.

"Okay, so, I don't know the name of the boy but I do know that he comes here every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. He is always drawing and listening to music from what I know. He comes here in the morning around nine o'clock." He said with a smile, happy that he knew something about the mysterious guy.

Jungkook nodded understanding "And what does he normally order?"

Maybe I could buy his favorite order for him someday. He thought.

Hoseok took out his notebook to search the boys old orders. "Here they are." He showed the younger the orders and Jungkook read it.

"Chocolate mocha with whipped cream and a slice of blueberry cake." He read some other order to and none of them were coffee. "I don't think he likes that." Hoseok commented "and he has never ordered coffee before from what I know."

"Okay, I'm gonna come here very often from now on, on the days that he comes here too. And then one day I'm introduce myself and buy him something and I hope that I will get his name then too." He sipped from his drink with an amused smile on his face while his hyung patted him on the back.

"You do you Kook, you do you. I'm gonna get back to work before Seokjin hyung will scold me. Good day." And with that Hoseok disappeared behind the counter.

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