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Panting, Jungkook arrived the cafe and immediately looked around to see if Taehyung was there, but he wasn't. He practically ran up to the counter where Hoseok was just done with a customer. The poor guy was startled to death when Jungkook slammed his hands on the counter.

Before Hoseok could ask what was wrong, Jungkook was already talking.

"Hobi hyung, have you seen Taehyung?" He looked at him like he was his only hope.

The older looked confused at Jungkook. "Taehyung? No, what happened?"

The young idol signed while he banged his head on the counter. Luckily Hoseok stopped him before he would hurt himself even more.

"I fucked up bad hyung, so bad."

"What happened Kook?"

Jungkook signed again. "We were just having a picknick, just hanging out, you know. And suddenly these girls who called themselves 'fans' came up to us and said some very unfriendly shit. And now Taehyung will never agree to go out with me because those girls made sure to let him feel low about himself." He took a deep breath and wiped away the tears who were forming in his eyes. "Tae walked away after he said that he knows that he will never be good enough for me."

Hoseok nodded understandingly and rubbed his back in a comfort way.

"BUT I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THAT." Some people turned their heads to the direction of Jungkook because of his loud voice he used suddenly. "Hyung, I need Taehyung in my life, I don't care about that he is not famous or that he is an art major or whatever. I-I just, I just love him for the way he is."

Love him

Love him

Love him

Those words echoed through his head after he said it.

"Hyung, I think I fell in love with Taehyung, for real." He looked up to the older male who was proudly smiling at him.

"And what are you going to do about it?" He said softly hoping to hear the correct answer he was waiting for.

"I'm, I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna find him and tell him how I feel and hope he will feel the same." Jungkook looked super sure of himself and Hoseok ruffled his hair. "That's the Jungkook I know, now do you have any idea where Taehyung could be right now?"


Jungkooks eyes lit up. "Yes, yes I maybe know." He hugged the older quick but tightly. "Thank you hyung!" And he ran out the cafe to search for his lover.


Maybe I'll update sooner today again or tomorrow so stay tuned👀

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