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Together under one -not so big- umbrella they finally reached Jungkooks house. Jungkook rushed to find his keys somewhere in his pockets. When he found them he quickly opened the door and let Taehyung and himself in. Being the gentleman he is, he let Taehyung in first before he stepped his own warm home in.

Jungkook quickly went to his room to get a towel for their wet hair while Taehyung looked in awe when he entered his house, it was not to big and not to small, just perfect. When Jungkook came the living room back in, he saw the other males expression on his face and he chuckled.

"Your house is beautiful, do you live alone?" He asked while letting his fingers slide along the marmer wall.

"Thank you and yes, I live alone." He gave him a beige colored towel and flopped down on his couch. He signaled Taehyung to sit down too. "Do you?"

Taehyung gave him a little sad smile and nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately yes." He said and sat down on the soft couch next to Jungkook.

"Why the sad expression?" He turned to the other male with a confused look on his face.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and answered. "It's sometimes a little lonely you know, sinds my father died my mother went crazy and got the addiction of alcohol. Almost every night she would bring an other man home and they were not really nice towards me." Jungkook was silent as he listened to Taehyung's heartbreaking story.

"So I moved out, I did not want to live like that anymore." Jungkook nodded understanding and the other male continued. "Now I live in a small apartment a few blocks from here. And it feels a little lonely sometimes." Jungkook couldn't handle himself that moment and embraced Taehyung is a soft hug. The grey haired male was a little shocked but after coming back to his senses he wrapped his arms around the other and hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that." Taehyung nuzzled his face in the others shoulder and sighed. They knew each other maybe not so long yet, but Taehyung felt safe in the strong arms of Jungkook. "It's okay."

After a while Jungkook was the one who broke the hug.

"By the way, Tae." Taehyung turned a little red at the nickname he called him. It caught him a little of guard. No one called him that before. "How old are you?"

"I turned twenty two last month, what about you." He said and Jungkooks eyes lighted up. "Then you are my hyung! I'm twenty one." He giggled.

Taehyung laughed at how excited the younger male was to call him hyung. "Cute." He mumbled under his breath so that Jungkook wouldn't hear it.

They talked about random shit and before they knew it, the sky was already getting darker and Taehyung needed to go home before it was pitch black.

Taehyung slipped on his shoes while Jungkook was a little sadly fumbling with his fingers, he didn't wanted that the older already went home. After observing the grey haired guy for almost a month he finally got the chance to get to know him better.

He came to know that Taehyung loves to draw while listening to his favorite artists. He loves the nature too, just like Jungkook himself. He loves to take a stroll by the beach while the waves hits the coast, or to walk in a forest to simply listen to the birds singing. He was quite the romantic Jungkook noticed. He learned that the older was still in college but not every day, it was an art school. They let you go home to draw or to paint in a place you love instead in a cold classroom.

Taehyung waved goodbye and wanted to leave but Jungkook stopped him.


The older turned around and looked at him with a confused look.

"C-can I maybe have y-your number? So we can text or s-something." Jungkook slapped himself mentally for stuttering.


Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes and Jungkook regretted asking him that and wanted to apologize but the older flashed him a smile and fished out his phone. His phone case had some paint on it but it looked very artistic. Jungkook liked it, it showed of Taehyung's image.

Taehyung gave him his phone for the other to type in his number and Jungkook gladly did it.

The older waved him goodbye again

"I'll text you later!"

Once he was out of Jungkooks sight, he closed the door and slid down and let out a his breath he didn't knew he was holding.

"I actually talked to him." He pinched his arm to see if this wasn't a dream. And yes, it was reality, because fuck that hurt.

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