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Taehyung's and Jungkooks friendship started to get closer and closer over the days and Jungkooks secret love for the older male also started to grow more and more.

One evening it was again raining very hard, water was pouring down from the skies and they both didn't had an umbrella to hide under. Being the gentleman he is, Jungkook took off his jacket so that they could take shelter under it. Together they ran to Jungkooks apartment in the rain. The jacket blocked some water but they were still wet and cold. Luckily Jungkooks house was warmed up fast.

Jungkook gave a towel to the older who gladly took it. The young idol would be lying is he said that Taehyung wasn't extra attractive with wet hair. His bangs fell on his forehead perfectly when he ruffled his own hair. Jungkook wished he could take a picture and keep it in his pocket forever.

Some minutes later when they both sat on the younger's couch, they flipped bored through the channels on the television with the sound of rain hitting Jungkooks windows. Suddenly they heard a voice on a news channel saying something about Jungkook. He crossed his arms and listened.

"Lately we have seen the young Korean idol Jeon Jungkook going out with an anonymous boy. We did some research about who this guy could be. We found out his name, age and where he studies, Kim Taehyung, twenty two and studies at the Art academy of Seoul. The two guys been spotted by some fans one time in a cafe laughing about whatever they were talking about and they have been spotted this evening running to the -probably- idols place while Jungkook was sheltering them both with his jacket. Are these two just friends or maybe more? Stay in touch with-

Jungkook angrily turned off the television and threw the remote control somewhere in the room. Taehyung anxiously looked at the black screen of the television while Jungkook had his hands in his hair and yanked the balcony door open.

Fuck the people! Why can't he just live his own life without the news sticking their nose in his personal life? Sheesh.

Jungkook stood behind the railing of his balcony with his head down when he suddenly felt two arms sneaking around his waist and hugging him from behind. At first he was startled a bit, but when he smelled the cologne Taehyung always wore he was at ease again, because he knew it was Taehyung behind him.

Taehyung rested his head on the younger's shoulder and signed.



"It's okay."

Jungkook spun around so that he was face-to-face with the older who gave him a reassuring, but sad smile.

"Tae, I'm so sorry you got involved with this shit, I really didn't think this all through and I forgot the news and media will always be after me because I'm a celebrity. But I really like hanging out with you but if you don't want to anymore, I think I can live with that? Probably not but sti-

Taehyung had cut him of by placing a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth. Jungkooks hand went automatically to the place he had kissed him and his eyes went wide.

Taehyung chuckled. "You really really need to shut up you know?" Jungkook threw his neck to the side and looked confused at the older. "What is going on in that pretty head of yours if you think that I don't wanna be friends with you anymore just because you get chased around by paparazzi." He said.

But still it hurts, Taehyung still felt like he wasn't good enough for Jungkook. I mean, he's a broke art student and Jungkook was a famous idol. Every time he and Jungkook went to place to enjoy the time they spent together he felt some sort of anxiety of being with such a famous person. And of course it had to get on the news, because people love to rub their noses in someone else's life. That's how the world works these days. Especially with celebrities.

And spending these days together Taehyung knew he didn't just wanted to be 'just' friends with Jungkook anymore, he knew he had created some special feelings for the younger male. But he wasn't crazy, he can't just confess that easily. It sounds maybe easy, but hell it wasn't. Jungkook was an idol for shits sake and had a lot of fans and people who could be so much better than him.

Also, why would Jungkook even like him back? All he had was a messed up family and some money on his bank account, nothing much.

Plus he didn't even knew if Jungkooks company would even let him date, especially sinds he is a guy too.

Hell he didn't even knew if Jungkook liked guys or something, they never really talked about their sexuality.

On the other hand Jungkook was still a little stressed out about the whole thing. He didn't wanted to lose Taehyung, he really didn't. For the first time sinds, I don't know, high school that he had a proper crush? And he really wanted to be someone special to Taehyung, just like he was for him.

They still stood in front of each other with Taehyung's firm hands on Jungkook waist and Jungkooks hand on his own face at the place where Taehyung had kissed him seconds ago. Jungkooks eyes were still wide but softened when he saw Taehyung looking at him with a fond expression.

The two looked at each other in the eye for a couple seconds before the air around them changed, it got thicker. Jungkook dropped his hand to the side and still looked at Taehyung. Their expression in their eyes changed and looked sort of serious now.

Taehyung saw Jungkook looking at his lips for a second and then back to his eyes. And the older did the same. Slowly -without them even really knowing- their faces went to each other, like magnets. There was now only five inches between them and Jungkook glanced at the older males lips again.

Taehyung was the one who finally closed the distance between them and Jungkook closed his eyes immediately. His arms went to Taehyung's neck and he kissed back with the same enthusiasm. Their lips were firmly pressed together before they started moving. Jungkook's hands made their way to Taehyung's hair to tangle his fingers in it. It wasn't a hot make out or something, just two lips moving in sync with each other in a sweet way.

When they parted they looked in each other's eyes again and smiled. There were no words exchanged about their relationship, just them standing in Jungkooks balcony with the cold evening breeze hitting their faces and hair.


Oops, I'm a day early. Teehee

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