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It was Sunday so that means Jungkook would see the mysterious boy again from whom he still didn't know the name sadly. He was walking to the cafe when it suddenly started to rain and he didn't had a umbrella with him. With some cursing and running he finally entered the warm, good smelling place. He sighed a little loud when he saw that his jacket was all wet from the stupid rain.

He sighed again and walked, more like shuffled to the counter to take his order.

"You look so worn out Kook, what happened? Were it the rain monsters from the sky?" Hoseok said trying not to laugh to much at how Jungkook looked. His hair was all over the place and his light blue denim jacket was now turned into a dark blue denim jacket.

"Shut up hyung." Hoseok chuckled and gave him a towel that was placed beside him to dry his brown wet hair a little.

"The usual order I'm guessing?" He asked when Jungkook gave him the towel back and fished out some money from his -luckily- dry wallet.

"Yeah." He took some extra money out of his wallet and gave it to the cashier. "Say to that boy that I payed for him." Hoseok gladly took it and nodded. "Will do Kook."

Hoseok smiled and the younger wanted to shuffled back to his usual table, but when he saw that the table was already occupied by a couple he signed again for the third time this day and took place by a table that stood next to a window. He looked at the happy couple nearby them, it were two boys. The blond guy was blushing like a tomato while the dark haired boy was smiling at him, his gums showed and it looked quite adorable.

Jungkook sighed sadly, he wondered when he would find the love of his life. He leaned on his chin and looked out the window. When you are sitting in a warm place and it rains outside it could be peaceful, well, that's what Jungkook thought. He always liked rain except for when he was walking in the rain without an umbrella.

He was busy in his thoughts that he didn't noticed the mysterious guy walking the cafe in.

"Hi, I would like a warm choco." He said when he stood at the counter.

Hoseok nodded and a mischievous smile was creeping on his face when the boy took out his wallet to pay.

"No need for that." The grey headed boy looked at him confused and Hoseok pointed to Jungkook who was still staring out the window. "He payed for your order." The boy looked at the brown haired guy by the window and back to a smiling Hoseok who already had his hot choco in his hand. The boy without name blushed a deep shade of red when he realized an extremely hot random guy had payed for him while he just came in the cafe. So that means that the guy already knew him from face.

He didn't really found it creepy though, more like romantic.

"Oo, uhm, thank you." Hoseok nodded at him and he disappeared to the kitchen.

After a minute of five Hoseok went over to Jungkooks table and handed him his food. When Jungkook saw the older approaching him with a smile on his face. "I guess you didn't noticed that your secret admirer came in?" Jungkook looked quickly around and saw the boy sitting on his usual table with his art supplements already out while he was drinking his drink.

"What did he say?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"He blushed like a really deep shade of red and thanked me, I think he thanked you through me though." Hoseok laughed a little at the flustered look on the younger males face.

He patted his back and walked back to the counter to take a new customers order.

When Jungkook was done with his food, he took his things and putted his face mask on again. He walked out the cafe and noticed it was still raining.

"God damnit." He cursed and putted his hood on from his hoodie he was wearing, but that didn't worked because he wasn't wearing a hoodie with a hood. He cursed under his breath again and stuck out his hand to feel how hard it actually rained. Luckily the rain wasn't pouring hard down just like when Jungkook was walking -more like running- to the warm cafe.

"If I run maybe I can make it without getting to wet" he thought. He took the risk and stepped outside. He already felt the rain drops on his hair falling down, but suddenly it was dry above his head. He look up and saw a purple umbrella above his head. Jungkook looked at his side and saw the art boy standing next to him with a shy smile.

"I thought you might needed it."

Jungkooks thoughts were right, the boy's voice was beautiful. Just like the guy himself. Jungkook still stood staring at the guy with the grayish hair what was getting a little wet. And yes, Jungkook looked a little stupid like that but who cares

"I'm Kim Taehyung." He stuck out his free hand for the other to shake it and gave him a cute smile.

Jungkook finally snapped out of his gaze and gulped "N-nice to meet you, J-jeon Jungkook." He took off his face mask and slowly excepted the boy's hand and shook it.
Taehyung's eyes grew wide. "Jeon Jungkook?! As in the idol?" Jungkook nodded and smiled while the other boy stood there is shook.

"You mean an idol bought me food?!" Jungkook laughed a little and patted his shoulder. "It isn't much of a deal."

"Of course it is! I listen to your music all the time." Jungkook blushed a little and smiled at him. He didn't knew that the boy he secretly admired already actually knew him. "Thank you."

They stood there a little awkwardly, still hands in hands cause neither of them wanted to let go of the warm hands they were holding and Taehyung was still holding his umbrella above Jungkooks head. When the brown haired guy realized that they were still standing outside of the cafe on the rain he suddenly took his hand back and coughed a little to ease the awkward tension.

"D-do you wanna come to my house to get to know each other a little? You are getting al wet right now." He asked with a little red face.

Taehyung nodded and ruffled his own hair what was now a little wet from the rain. "I'd like that."

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