The Beginning

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Another Friday evening in some craphole of a town in Georgia. I'm sitting in a bar with a little bit of a buzz kicking in from the drinks I've downed. It's been exactly one year, today since I left Mystic Falls. I close my eyes as I wait for another drink to be filled. My memory brings images from the night of Alaric's wedding.

Everything was going smoothly. Damon had just told me he had decided to take the Vampirism cure with me, and watching Alaric and Jo say their vows to each other, made me realize Damon and I would be standing in their spot one day too. I looked over at Damon, who was already looking over at me. He lifted his eyebrows at me and I gave him a knowing smile in return. Alaric finishes his beautiful vows to Jo, she wipes her tears and cracks a small joke about following up Alaric's vow.

As she takes a deep breath to begin her vows, the barn doors suddenly open wide. Lily, Damon and Stefan's mother charges into the ceremony, fury radiating off of her body. Stefan immediately runs to her to make an attempt to stop her, but she's quick. She pulls out a syringe, which I can only assume has vervain in it because she jams it into Stefan's neck, and he soon passes out. Caroline goes next, but Lily simply snaps her neck. She then fixes her gaze on Damon.

"All I wanted was my family back together, Damon. You took that from me." She says as she makes her way closer to the aisle. Damon quickly comes to stand in front of me.

"Elena, get out of here." He hisses over his shoulder.

"No, Damon.." I protest.

"Dammit, Elena please. Go." He begs. I reluctantly nod, and begin to make my way out of the barn. Of course being a human now, Lily is quick to stop me in my tracks.

"Now, why would I let you leave dear?" She asks me, before she pulls me into her arms and spins me around to face Damon. His face is darkened with anger and concern. He takes a few steps towards us, but Lily tightens her grip around me and simply puts up her hand and says "Ah, ah, ah. Careful, my son."

"Let her go, mother" He says the final word with venom.

"Why should I, Damon? You stopped me from getting my family back. You and your brother decided to lock me up in a cell, and leave me to rot when I attempted to grieve my loss. Why should I let her go, Damon? Why should I show you any mercy, when you two have showed me none in return."

"We'll figure something out. I promise I'll help you. I will. Just let her go." Lily doesn't respond for a minute, I can only assume she's thinking the offer. I look into Damon's eyes. The terror in his eyes so clear.

"That's a nice offer dear," She says, slowly loosening her hold on me. A wave of relief washes over Damon's face. "But then again," She quickly grabs me again. "In the short time I've been back, I've learned not to trust my sons." She pulls my head to the side and sinks her teeth into my neck. I can hear Damon shout something, and suddenly I'm released from the hold.

I open my eyes and find myself back in the Georgia bar. My shot glass is filled up again, and I quickly down it. I remember being able to down at least 10 drinks as a vampire and not feel a tickle of the alcohol running through my system. Now as a human, the effects are beginning to set, but not enough to keep my satisfied. I raise my hand once again, to call over the bartender. She seems sweet. Her blonde hair bounces as she walks over to me. I raise her my glass and she gives me a half hearted smile.

"Rough week?" She asks sympathetically.

I shoot it down quickly, and slam the glass back on the counter. "Rough year." I reply.

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