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A/N: Okay, so the first half of this part defintely has alot of dialogue from Episode 1 of Season 7. Sorry about that, I hope it doesn't bug anyone. Also once again, sorry for taking so long to put this out... It was hard to figure out where to go.

Warning: Towards the end it gets pretty Steamy *Nudge nudge* haha. Basically just a warning if that makes anyone uncomfortable. It's nothing graphic, just as I said.. Steamy implied smut... hehe

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this :)!


"I beg your pardon?" Death turns to face me with wide eyes.

"Kill god," Bobby repeats. "You heard right your...honor."

"And what makes you think I can do that?" Death questions, now facing me again.

"You told me." I say.

He cocks his head slightly. "Why should I?" He challenges.

"Because... We said so and we're the boss of you..."

"Dean!" Elena raises her voice.

I look over at her and realize what I'd just said to Death. I clear my throat. "I mean that respectfully."

"Amazing." Says an additional voice, startling us all. We turn to face the source and it of course, was Cas. Except Cas looked, less and less like Cas. His vessel was beginning to rip around his face and his eyes looked completely empty. "I didn't want to kill you, but now.." He slightly shrugs.

"You can't kill us." I say.

"You've erased any nostalgia I held for you, Dean." He raises his hand to snap his fingers but I quickly interrupt him.

"Death is our bitch," I begin. "We ain't gonna die, even if God pulls the trigger."

"Annoying little protozoa aren't they, 'God?" Death says to Cas. "You look awfully like a mutated Angel to me. Your vessel's melting, you're going to explode."

"No I'm not. When I've finished my work, I'll repair myself." Cas responds.

"You think you can because you think you're simply under the weight of those souls, yes? But that's not the worst problem. There are things much older than souls in Purgatory, and you gulped up those things too."

"Irrelevant. I control them."

"For the moment."

"Wait, uh... what older things?" I ask.

"Long before God created Angel and Man, he created the first beasts. The Leviathans."

"Leviathans?" I question.

"I personally found them entertaining, but God was concerned they'd chomp up the whole petri dish. So he locked them away. Why do you think he created Purgatory? To keep those clever, poisonous things out. Now Castiel has swallowed them. He's the one thin membrane between the old ones and your home."

"Enough." Cas demands.

"Stupid little soldier, you are." Death spits.

Cas takes a few steps towards Death. "Why? Because I dared open a door that he shut? Where is he? I did a service taking his place."

"Service? Settling petty vendettas?"

"No. I'm cleaning up one mess after another, selflessly." He responds.

"Quite the humanitarian."

"And how would you know? What are you, really? A flyswatter?" Cas challenges.

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