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"Yeah, I'm heading back to bed. I'll see you two later" She says. She begins to walk away, but she looks over her shoulder, back at me. I shoot her a wink, causing her to smile and shake her head as she moves off to bed. Once she's out of sight, I can feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to find Sam, narrowing his at me with a smirk on his face.  

"What?" I ask him, annoyed 

"Oh, nothing." He says with a chuckle, as he walks past me and into the kitchen. I roll my eyes at him, then decide to head off to bed too. 

  A smile creeps up on my face as I begin to think about Elena's arms wrapped around me. It surprised me at first, but after a moment It didn't feel uncomfortable, if anything It felt so natural. It was almost as if the moment we hugged, something inside of me realized I had been missing her arms around me, the entire time. It's crazy to find myself thinking this way, but it was true. Now as I lay in bed, all I can think about is wanting to feel her in my arms once again.  

A few hours later...

"Dean." A voice says to me.  

I groan, and feel myself flip over to my back. "Yep, yeah?" I mutter as the voice shakes me slightly by my shoulder. 

"I made breakfast, if you're hungry." Says the voice, my eyes are still closed, but I can hear the smile in the person's voice. I finally try to open my eyes, blinking a few times to clear my vision. It's Elena, she's sitting on the edge of my bed with a small smile on her lips.  

"Good morn- well, afternoon actually." She says. I stretch my arms out a little, before sitting up. 

"Good-aftermorn," I say raising my eyebrows at her. I'm close to do a facepalm, at how corny my attempt at a joke was but she lets out a laugh and that makes the moment of embarrassment worth it. She then uses her head, to signal me to follow her. I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. Once I'm on my feet, she wraps her soft hands around forearm, and leads me out of my room. As soon as we are out, the smell of bacon immediately enters my nostrils. "Mmm. I can already smell, Wilbur." I say.  

She turns to look at me, her jaw dropped and she softly pushes me. "Really, Dean?" She asks as she shakes her head and smiles.  

Once we're in the kitchen, Sam is already sitting on a stool, at the counter, drinking what I'm sure is a healthy fruit/veg mix. Practically makes me want to gag at the thought. Elena, continues to pull me, and sits me next to Sam. She then walks away from the counter and reaches for a couple of plates. 

"Well hello, Sleeping Beauty." Sam says to me, with a grin.  

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up Rapunzel." I reply, earning me an eye roll from Sam and another laugh from Elena. "So what's going on here?" I ask. Sam shrugs.  

"I don't know. I just got back, and Elena gave me this Kale, and apple drink," He motions the green, gunk at me. "And told me to sit, while she went to wake you up."  

"It's just breakfast, guys, " She says, as she places plates in front of us. The plate she placed in front of me held pancakes, eggs and bacon. While Sam's plate, held an omelet with way too much green on it. "I know It's not much, but I just wanted a way to say thank you to both of you, for letting me stay here with you. It really means a lot to me." She says.  

"Of course, Elena. Like Dean told you yesterday - well this morning," he corrects himself  "We love having you here, and you are more than welcome to stay as long as you want. We don't want you to leave."  

I'm already digging into my food, when I begin to speak. "Lena, you can't ever leave. These pancakes.. why are these pancakes so awesome?" I ask as I chew my food. 

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