Guardian Angel

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Authors Note: I've written a little part in Castiel's POV. I hope that it doesn't annoy or bug anyone. I just wanted to get out his side of things. This will most likely be the only part with an additional character's POV. I may write the next part with a little more Cas, but I have yet to decide. I hope you all enjoy it, don't forget to star and comment if you like this part :)! I would love some feed back!


It wasn't long until I found out who Crowley actually was. "The King of Hell" he called himself proudly. He flashed his red eyes at me, causing me to flinch back a little when he did.

"I know, very well who you are now. Elena Gilbert, the little minx who was meant to make Squirrel fall head over heels."

I cross my arms across my chest and give him a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?" I question.

"Oh. You don't know? You and Dean Winchester were shot by a cupid. You two were meant for each other and blah blah blah. It's all rather boring really. But the upside about this love story, that feathery pain in the ass has left me with something I can use to stop Moose and Squirrel from coming after me." He finishes say as two demons come from behind me and grab my arms.

"I thought you were given orders not to harm me!" I shout at him.

"What can I say? King of Hell doesn't always obey." He finishes and with a snap, we're taken to a warehouse. The demons quickly tie me up to a pole and Crowley reaches into his pocket for a phone. I quickly recognize the phone, its mine. He scrolls through the contacts until he finds the one he was searching for. I glare at him as he looks at me with a smug grin planted on his face. He dials and puts it on speaker. As the phone begins to ring, the demons quickly put tape on my mouth to keep me quiet.

"Hello?" Says a deep frantic voice. "Elena, where are you?" Dean asks frantically.

"Hello, Squirrel." Crowley replies.


Not long after I headed into my room, did Sam begin knockingon my door.

"Dammit, Sam! What do you want?" I shout as I get up to open it up for him. His face is full of worry once I open it and he holds up some bags.

"I don't think she left willingly." He says. And with those words, the emptiness was almost restored. She didn't just ditch after all, but that raises the question. Where is she?

After a moment of thinking, I had an idea of who had taken her, but I wasn't too thrilled to confirm my suspicions. I finally look up to Sam. "I have an idea of who might have taken her." I start walking towards the main room; the anger began to build up inside of me. Cas must have found out about me and Elena and forced her to leave.

Once we're in the main room, Sam raises his arms and gives me a puzzled look. I ignore him and close my eyes, "Dear Castiel, I know you have your ears on you, ass. You get down here right now." I demand. Within seconds, I hear the familiar flap of his wings. I turn around and he's standing in front of me with his face matching Sam's.

"What is going on?" He questions.

"Yeah, I could ask the same thing, Cas. Where is she?" I demand.

"Who?" He asks.

"Elena. Where is she, Cas? I know you took her. I also demand to know why."

After a moment he looks between Sam and I before sighing. "I warned you to let her go, Dean."

Before I can press for more information my phone begins to vibrate. I pull it out and look at the name on the screen. I wave of relief washes over me.

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