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"I'm Elena." She says, as her soft, gentle hand shakes mine. I heard the vampire say her name before, he knew who she was. If she wasn't a hunter, then what was she? Most girls, would be blubbering like the bartender we just had rescued, but not, Elena. She knew what she was doing, what she was facing, yet, she wasn't a hunter. Something about this girl, told me she had quite a story to be told and I'm finding myself very intrigued.

I really don't want her to leave my side and without even thinking, I invite back to my motel room, under semi-false pretenses. I told her I could clean her wound, and bandage up her sprained wrist. Of course, I may or may not actually want to pry out that story of hers. She was a little reluctant at first, but I pressed and she then accepted.

Once we arrive, we soon discover she had a room in the same motel I'd been staying at.

"To be fair, not many options in this town." I say.

She lets out a small, and sweet laugh. "You sure it wasn't the XXX movie special that caught your attention?" She says as she waves the hotel pamphlet that was on the t.v, at me.

I act offended and respond. "I'll have you know.." She raises her brows at me and stops me from talking.

"How many have you ordered?" She asks with a small smirk.

I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes. "Maybe, just one," I say, which causes her to laugh. "it wasn't even all that good. I ended up falling asleep." I mutter, which causes her to laugh once more and God, her laugh. It was such an adorable sound. I found myself smiling at the sound of it. She sits on one of the beds in my room, while I go and pull out a first-aid kit I had in my duffel bag. I grab a rag and go to the bathroom sink to run it under the water. When I return she's still sitting on the bed and has her big brown eyes on me.

"Alright, let's get started." I say. She smiles and nods. She tilts her head slightly, and pulls her hair away from her shoulder, to expose her neck to me. I begin to wipe the wound, which is pretty much just dried blood at this point. Once the dried is cleaned off, I can see the wound better now. Some of it began bleeding again, so I pull out some hydrogen peroxide from the kit, and pour some on the rag. I wipe the rag on her wound, which causes her to flinch a little. "I'm sorry." I say without looking at her.

"It's alright." She says. I can't see her face but, I can tell she's smiling from the sound of her voice. Once I'm done cleaning the wound, I place a bandage on it and then begin working with her wrist. I hold her hand in mine, I can feel her eyes on me as I bandage her wrist up. I look up at her and meet her gaze. "What?" I ask her.

"Nothing, it's just.. You don't even know me and here you are nursing me back to health." She says.

I finish wrapping her wrist in the bandage and meet her gaze again. "What can I say? I'm an angel." I say jokingly. She rolls her eyes with a smile and gently pushes my shoulder.

"Thank you, Dean." She says quietly, her smile shrinking slightly.

"Anytime, Elena." I respond.

She stands up, and begins heading towards the door. She turns back to look at me once more. "It was nice meeting you." She says. I nod and she smiles before heading out. Once she's gone, I slump back down onto my bed and close my eyes.

It's not long before Sam comes through the door. "Woah, what happened here?" He asks.

My eyes fly open, and I sit up looking at the scene in front of Sam. I left the bloody rags on the edge of my bed. I look to meet Sam's eyes, his lips are set in a thin line. "Dude, did you go after the vampire without me? You said you were going to the bar!" He accuses.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and let out a sigh. "I did go to the bar, the vampire turned out to be there too."

His eyes bugged out and he sits on his bed, across from me. "Are you.. I mean, what happened?"

"I was walking to the bar, when I saw a girl," I begin. "She was peeking at something behind the alley. I ran to her direction, but she ran into the alley before I could reach her. So then I peeked over into the alley, and I saw her comforting some bartender who was in the alley, crying hysterically," My mind drifts off to the scene of, Elena comforting the bartender. I stood there a moment, watching it in front of me. It wasn't until I saw a figure in the background, starting towards them that I reacted and went back to Baby to get my machete out. When I returned, he was talking to Elena. "Before I knew it, he twisted her wrist, making her lose the stake she had in her hand, spraining her wrist and then sunk his teeth in her neck. I shot him with my gun a few times to distract him from her, and it worked. He turned his attention to me and came after me. But dude, this vampire wasn't like the vampires we've dealt with before. He was much stronger, and faster."

"How'd you get way from his hold then?" Sam asks.

"The girl, Elena. She stabbed him through his back with her stake. It caused him to fall to his knees and I used the machete and wiped his head off clean." I explain. Sam's face shows approval. "Wait, so the girl you were trying to save, with the vampire bite and sprained wrist pretty much was the one who saved your bacon?" Sam teases.

I roll my eyes and glare at him before I nod slowly. Sam chuckles. "Is she some type of hunter, then?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No," Sam looked like he was going to ask something so, I answer him before he asks. "And I don't know what her story is. She knows about this world, but she isn't a hunter apparently. When I asked her to tell me her story, she began to tear up. Obviously whatever did happen to the girl, was pretty painful. I didn't press further, but man I'm intrigued." I say. Sam looks at me as if I were crazy. "Dean, we all have our sob stories. I'm sure you wouldn't be comfortable telling her, all the stuff that's gone in our lives."

I laugh uncomfortably. "Yeah, no I know, Sam. You're right." I say. Now thinking about It, I wouldn't mind telling her all the stuff that has gone on in our lives. I don't know why. I just get this feeling I could trust her, with it all. I don't know what it is, but something about her. There's something, and I'm finding It hard to keep her off of my mind. I can feel Sam's eyes on me, I look up to meet his gaze. His face concerned.

"Dude are you, okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, what, why?" I ask.

He shakes his head and chuckles, turning to his bed. "Yeah, okay. Nevermind." He says. "Hey, since you got the vampire we can head back to the bunker tomorrow right?"

I sigh and let myself fall back into my bed and close my eyes. " Yeah, we can check out in the morning and head out." I say. I'm hoping to run into Elena tomorrow before we check out. I'm not sure why I did not ask her for her number before she left, but now I'm regretting it and hoping luck will be on my side.

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